
Listening to: atreyu
Feeling: bootylicious
summer is officially here for everyone now, its been for me for awhile but welcome to everybody :) im pretty stoked, it should be a relatively relaxed but fun summer. probably not exciting as others have been, but theres some definate highlights that will make up for the boring days. last night was pretty key, melissa came over and chilled with brenda and i for awhile. then we rode around with ryan adomshick, which was totally random haha, and he dropped us off at rachels so we could all chill + ashleyyy too. we sat on the sidewalk talking for awhile and getting eaten by bugs, i have seriously 10 on random parts of my body. then we walked to brendas and subway and up to ashleys house so she could go home, then back to rachels. i talked to ryan on the phone for awhile cause i havent really talked to him in over a year, he called my phone to talk to melissa but then we just ended up talking haha then melissa went to stephanies and rachel took brenda and i home. i come home to five 12 year old boys in my house which pissed me off to no end because melissas in town for only like a week and my dad wouldnt let her and brenda spend the night. its pretty funny cause i scheduled my road test for next wednesday and he doesnt know and hed KILL me if he found out. ive gotta try to convince him before next week haha shouldnt be too hard. my job interview was yesterday afternoon and it went awesome, the lady loved me and we had a bunch of stuff in common cause shes pretty young, in her early 20's. im hoping i get it, i dont know when youre supposed to expect a phone call back but im pretty anxious. if i get it before next week i can definately take my road test soo THEY BETTER CALL. today has been boring and i hope tonight brenda and i can go to vestal to visit our taco bell friends and barnes and noble and dicks. wooo hooo. 47 days until the Asbury Park warped tour. the bands that im stoked to see are coheed & tbs (north stage), yellowcard thursday SOTY & sugarcult (south stage), rufio allister avenged sevenfold & piebald (maurice stage), letter kills & motion city soundtrack (volcom stage), and hidden in plain view, dynamite boy, saosin and brazil which are all playing on the smart punks stage. then in 57 days its the Darien Lake warped tour which im sure everyone in school will be at.. all the same bands are on the same stages except fall out boy & alexisonfire will be added to the volcom stage, KICKASS. not much more to say, im hella bored and have nothing to doooo.
Read 8 comments
dude i was suppose to go to warped with you guys i think cuz lorin was gonna give me a ride but dont know about that anymore.
that was me by the way on that last comment. sorry.
i LOVE atreyu. i saw them with FATA :D :D

stop by somtime !
a while back.. you commented in my journal.. talking about bright eyes and the pillows becasue i likr them and so do you .. i think.. YAY
she told me asbury.
i know i ask this alll the tiime..but im still going with ya'll to asbury correccctt? (lol i like to double check..a lot)..i'm only asking cuz i haven't really heard anything..and cuz we never really talk anymore..
you're sexy and i think i want you to have my babies.