
Feeling: kooky
lmao to the anonymous comment left in the entry behind this, i'm definatly a pussy because your the one who can't even leave your damn name. and it was meant to be sarcastic, because i DID start the entry out as bitching about her, and i don't see the point in saying anything to her face because she can read it right in here. that's pretty straight forward i'd say? how about you mind your own business and go back to 4th grade when it was in to stop being friends with the person who put your friend in her fucking place. please leave me alone and if you don't want to read about it, DON'T READ IT! * went to the mall and got my hott pink & gray striped shirt. it's sex. i have to babysit in an hour out in Appalachin with Brenda. it sucks because jennnn was supposed to come over tonight :( but hopefully next weekend she can join in our fiesta at brenda's. her parents are out of town for the entire weekend. holler. party :) x xxxx pull the trigger & the nightmare stops.
Read 4 comments
jennnnn i loveee u :o)
i wish i understood why people have to be fucking retarded and leave anonymous comments..eh fuck it.. they should suck a dick.choke.and die :o)

we better chill soon woman!


;* k i s s i e s s s s s s s

hay thanx for the comment... like ur diary... krys
awsoome that is the picture i have on my desktop(?) on my computer