what just happened?

Listening to: AFI - Girls Gone Grey
Feeling: splendid
im only slightly agitated, not completely. they need like sub-moods or something. ahhh. my show finally came on last night, 3 way threat. there obviously couldnt be a better show for me, i think everyone knows that. im only obsessed with surfing and skating, snowboarding can shove itself up its ass. but despite that Shaun White is my favvvoirte person on the earth, and Jen O'Brien kicks so much ass, ive followed her for years. those waves were like the exact same size ive surfed, mine were actually a little bigger. it made me feel like i was there again. i just saw the grammy nominees and THANK GOD tbs and all my bands arent going completely mainstream yet. whew, that was a close one. im hella pumped for xmas break, hopefully we'll be going to a certain show, if it doesnt fucking snow. i still wont mention what show it is, til i know for sure ;) lets just say, your gonna be way jealous. waaay :) information. name: jen single or taken: siiingle sex: girly bday: 3/29/88 sign: aries siblings: brother hair color: blondish brown eye color: brown shoe size: between 9 and 11 height: 5'8 relationships who are your best friends?: brenda brion ivan jessy erin & jen do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: noope fashion | stuff where is your favorite place to shop: pacsun any tattoos or piercings: ears & tongue specifics do you do drugs?: gay what kind of shampoo do you use?: panteen what are you most scared of?: death. what are you listening to right now?: Rich Girls on TV who is the last person that called you?: Brendiiiie where do you want to get married?: beach. what would you change about yourself?: not much, i just want a hottttt bod ;) favorites color: plaid, stripes, pink, black, bright green boys' names: ashton and dan girls' names: roxy and christina subjects in school: english, i love writing. sports: surfing. have | you | ever given anyone a bath?: my brother when i was litttle smoked?: yes made yourself throw up?: yes skinny dipped?: yes ever been in love?: once pictured your crush naked?: seen a few too :) cried when someone died?: of couuurse lied: yes fallen for your best friend?: yup :( been rejected?: yes rejected someone?: yes used someone?: yes done something you regret?: nope current clothes: billabong hoodie, blue roxy pants, white socks, navy blue long sleeve shirt make-up: i just woke up annoyance: im hungry and tired smell: my room favorite artist: Adam Lazzara. favorite group: Taking Back Sunday. book you're reading: none dvd in player: Showtime, i LOOOVE that movie color of toenails: hott pink do | you | ever sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you?: nope save conversations: well i have dead AIM so it saves automatically are | you understanding: yes open-minded: yes arrogant: noo sir insecure: yes interesting: yes random: yes hungry: yes smart: yes hard working: i can be. organized: no healthy: yes shy: NOOO sir difficult: yes attractive: i guess, we all are right? bored easily: yepp messy: yuup responsible: noo obsessed: yesss :) happy: not internally hyper: yes trusting: nope who | do | you | wanna kill?: no one really get really wasted with?: party buds, mr van fossen, adam lazzara. get high with: noone talk to online: mr.v :) sex it up with: MR. V!!!!!!!!! & adam random in the morning i am: tired love is: beauuutiful ;) i dream about: mr.V, surfing, adam, and being a rockstar. sexual preference: penis ;) which | is | better coke or pepsi: pepsi flowers or candy: flowers tall or short: tall what do you notice first: eyes, smile, & hair last person you slow danced with: jessy haha worst question to ask: "are you mad at me"..its really annoying. - edit - i really miss Eric a whooole lot. i think cause its snowing so hard here, and hes in florida, i missss that fucker so bad. spring break cant come fast enough, if hes even going to be there.. :( oohh boy. i need a show really bad, they make me feel like a whole lot better about life. mmm. LAYER ONE: - Birthplace: Hyannis, Massachussets 2 blocks from the beach :) - Hometown: this shit hole in NY - Righty or Lefty: righty LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: lots of stuff, mostly irish and german though -- The shoes you wore today: none yet -- Your weakness: i let things get to me easily -- Your fears: death. -- Goal you'd like to achieve: pro surfer, i wanna learn how to skateboard, i wanna sell a book, be hella famous, and be a fucking rock star. LAYER THREE: --- Your most overused phrase on AIM: "lmao" -- Your thoughts first waking up: should i go to school today --- Your best physical feature: eyes, and teeth --- Your bedtime: whenever i fall asleep --- Your most missed memory: 8th grade, and matt LAYER FOUR: ---- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi ---- McDonald's or Burger King: burger king ---- Single or group dates: depends on my mood ---- Adidas or Nike: nike ---- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea ---- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate ---- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee, cappuccinos actually make my tongue swell up from my piercing, and i dont know why lol LAYER FIVE: ----- Smoke: cigs ----- Cuss: yes ----- Sing: all the time ----- Take a shower everyday: unless i feel lazy over a break or weekend ----- Have a crush: yea a few i guess ----- Do you think you've been in love: once ----- Want to go to college: oh yes, UCF. ----- Like(d) high school: fuck drama ----- Want to get married: maybe ----- Believe in yourself: yes ----- Get motion sickness: sometimes ----- Think you're attractive: sometimes ----- Think you're a health freak: nooo ----- Get along with your parent(s): yes, not my dad so much but i still love him ----- Like thunderstorms: yup ----- Play an instrument: yes LAYER SIX: In the past month... ------ Drank alcohol: yes ------ Smoked: yes ------ Done a drug: i took a few hits in florida, but hey thats my cousin ------ Had Sex: nope ------ Made Out: oh man, it was june ------ Gone on a date: nope, not since may ------ Gone to the mall?: yep ------ Eaten an entire box of Oreos: yuck ------ Eaten sushi: yep ------ Been on stage: yep ------ Been dumped: no, that was june too ------ Gone skating: no ------ Made homemade cookies: nope ------ Gone skinny dipping: yep ------ Dyed your hair: nope ------ Stolen anything: candy from walmart at 3 in the morning with brenda & mark, haaa LAYER SEVEN: Ever... ------- Played a game that required removal of clothing: probably ------- If so, was it mixed company: what? ------- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes ------- Been caught "doing something": yes ------- Been called a tease: yes ------- Gotten beaten up: jokingly ------- Shoplifted: yes ------- Changed who you were to fit in: sort of in 8th grade, but not to fit in LAYER EIGHT: -------- Age you hope to be married: no idea -------- Numbers and Names of Children: 1 or 2, ashton or dan, roxy or christina -------- Describe your Dream Wedding: on the beach, in a bright white bikini, WICKED tan, whoever i marry with just like black boardshorts, and the alter will be a surfboard, and everyone goes surfing after and eats lots of seafoooood ;) -------- How do you want to die: in my sleeep -------- Where you want to go to college: UCF -- What do you want to be when you grow up: journalist and rockstar, and actress --What country would you most like to visit: europe LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. --------- Best eye color? dark, or a rad green or blue --------- Best hair color? dark, sometimes blonde is okay --------- Short or long hair: shaggy surfer boy hair --------- height: taller than me --------- Best weight: not wicked skinny, a surfer bod? ;) --------- Best articles of clothing: emo --------- Best first date location: the beach. --------- Best first kiss location: the beach. LAYER TEN: ---------- # of drugs taken illegally: uhh just pot i guess ---------- # of people I could trust with my life: like, none. maybe brenda but i wouldnt want someone to have that responsibility ---------- # of CDs that I own: millions ---------- # of piercings: 7 ---------- # of tattoos: none yet ---------- # of scars on my body: millions ---------- # of things in my past that I regret: nooo regrets baby ;D
Read 3 comments
worst question to ask: "are you mad at me"..its really annoying.

haha ohhh man, i never would have thought of that if someone asked me what the worst question is,but i'd defffinitely have to agree.. i hate when someone knoows youre mad at them and theyre like are you maaad at meee :(( its like no i think your my best friend :) ....psh. anywayyy jen you have an awesome journal and you know i wanna be just like you :-*
ok you are going to give me surfing lessons when we finally make it to florida i will find you somehow and we will surf together because thats really one of my goals in life i think have fun in the cooold shitty snow :)
hahhaa one da i hope, u shit we better hang out, we dont even know each other no more ;(
