your word was always the one that won

Listening to: guernica
Feeling: nothing
i seem to be nostalgic a lot. anyway : i was riding the bus home after school, listening to brand new, and pretty much all day ive been thinking about last year and all its happenings. this generally either puts me in a horrible depressed mood, or a really funny mood. so today it made me in a really funny mood which was awesome.. but on the bus i remembered a few times from around a year or so ago that just kill me everytime i think about them. matt and nick were starting to become good friends and they used to do the absolute meanest but funniest shit ever to people, i think this was probably when brenda and i started our "praying" thing which is when we bless ourselves for saying or thinking something mean about someone, and they used to go to the library the period after matt and i had lunch and call random people from the relay call thing, like my mom and matts mom and just people that would be home.. so one day they decided to call a few of the cab places around our area to come at 2:15 for alex raneri from the relay call, i guess he was an asshole to them or something.. i think only one ended up showing up at our school but at 2:15 alex gets called to the office and i think he ended up getting in trouble or something. i remember being in english at 2:15 and i was literatly crying and i couldnt breathe from laughing so hard.. gosssh i know it was mean but boys are so stupid. the other thing i was thinking about was when matt and nick used to order pizza after school and me and megan (nicks girlfriend) would have to suffer hanging out with them behind our school. but of course they couldnt just order it from relay call and have it at that.. when the guy came, which was the same guy everytime, nick pretended to be retarted and unfortunatly did it very well.. oh man, the tears that came from my eyes and i had to have like an oxygen tank.. seriously we had so much fun together but hey, matts an asshole and i dont really talk to nick much anymore unless i go to the cafeteria 8th period when we have an essay in english. ahhhh good times mother fuckers. i hate growing up and not being friends with people anymore for whatever reasons. but hey, its life.
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jen i love you so much and now your makin me think of all the good times we had last year..ah well i love you
Jenny-FURRR i went home sickie today.....It's was the "DACIA IS A FAT DUMB DUMB THAT LIKES DREW AND MAKES ME SICK WHEN I LOOK AT HER BUG"'s a dewsey watch out man =)