
Feeling: exhausted
ouch, im so tired it hurts. this is gonna be short and sweet because that futon over there needs me laying dead in it for the night. i actually might go into school like 3rd period tomorrow, going to school exhausted puts me in the worst mood and then i wont be able to concentrate, well more so than i already cant BUTTTT. saturdays gonna be pretty suhweet, im not letting anything ruin it because brenda and i have been planning this for a few weeks now and yeah, it should be a very chill experience. getting to hang out with some verrrry cool kids, people i havent seen in forever, and people i havent chilled with in forever. so far its brenda jessy rachel erica ivan and i, were gonna meet up with vince and matt and jimmy & jason from CF, there just the nicest kids ever so everyone should get along and have an awesome time. im good at diffusing situations anyway so no worries. one of these weekends ivan and i will finally take our five hour course, then i can get my license anytime after that. took in my job applications today to a few places in the mall, american eagle said there gonna call soon already so i was stoked. i thought you had to be 17 to work there? but apparently not. hey, its a job and its going to be making me money so im not going to complain. im practically dead in this chair so im gonna drag myself over five feet and pass out on this bed of mine.. lates
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Slut:) hows your pants smell? ME=Punk rock?
