it's the freakin weekend baby

Listening to: blindside - pitiful
Feeling: braindead
i am such a loser, i went to bed at 8 on thursday night, and 10 last night haha. well brenda was still here so i stayed awake sort of until she left at like 10:45ish. i've been exhauuusted lately, but this week in school was too easy. this will be the first weekend i haven't partied in 3 weeks :-0 i guess that's good though because that's probably why i've been so tired. nothing much going on today, i'm going to the mall to get some applications even though i'm not 16 for another 2 weeks haha. i probably won't fill them out and hand them in until next weekend though. i just want a job soooooooon. but i wouldn't be able to start until after spring break. oh well. ivan's gonna be kicking butttt today at science olympiad, woooot 8) i decided to skip out on tanning yesterday because i got kinda burnt and my back hurt a little, and my eyelids. so today we'll kick it up a notch and get more burnt :) lol i can't wait to get a NATURAL tan over spring break though.. which is only.. well i'm too lazy to count but in a month from today we'll actually be IN florida so that's all that matters. i love waking up at 7:30 in the morning on a saturday.. i can't get back to sleep so i'm just going to watch some TV. byyyyyye lovies*
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Seriously huh? Its a good feeling. Yes yes it is! :P Ttyl. ~Rissa