i could be yOur best bet.

Listening to: the whole TBS cd
Feeling: psyched
so honestly, how could you say those things? when you know they dont mean anything, and you know very well i cant keep my hands to myself. just got off the phone with jessssy. i cleaned my entiiire room baby, it's pretty spotless now, i even cleaned my TV/DVD/stereo stand! good stuff. it snowed soo much, i hate it really bad. this means jen and everyone wont be able to come over later, cause my dad doesnt want them to get "stuck" here or something. i love him but sometimes hes so retarted. but its alright, cause next weekend or something when it doesnt snow we're gonna have even more fun, cause the fun will be building up, or something? haaa, i love u guys. i found lots of pictures and shit that i gotta put in my scrapbook. and i need the TBS pictures from the concert! aahh. they came out so beautiful. my tummmmy hurts. :( im obsessing over surveys again, heres another one. then im out, leave fuckin loove. [[ Parents still together? ]] yes [[ Siblings? ]] brother, 11 [[ Nieces/Nephews? ]] adaaam, the love of my life. hes 2 :) [[ Kids of your own? ]] uhh, nonne [[ Grandkids? ]] yeah..haha [[ Pets? ]] jingles my doggy :) [[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ]] own [[ What do you do for work? ]] nothing :( [[ How much do you make? ]] i need a job. [[ Have any credit cards? ]] yepp i have one of my own [[ What do you drive? ]] 2001 silver ford focus, just like tyylerss :) Preferences [[ Black and White/Color ]] black, or color [[ Black/White ]] Black [[ Red/Blue ]] blue [[ Dogs/Cats ]] dogs [[ Roses/Daisies ]] roses [[ Beer/Liquor ]] liquor [[ Boxers/Briefs ]] boXers ;) [[ Hair: Short/Long ]] shaggy surfer boy hair [[ Boots/Shoes ]] shoes, but flip flops are so better [[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] mmm mexican [[ Dark/Light ]] dark [[ Day/Night ]] night, unless its the summer [[ City/Country ]] city [[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints ]] uhh solid? Favorites [[ Colors ]] pink, plaid, stripes, black [[ Animal ]] giraffe :) and allll sea animals [[ Vehicle ]] Hyundai Santa Fe [[ Flower ]] hibiscus [[ Beer ]] corona [[ Liquor ]] skyy blue, smirnoff..haha are those even liquor? or beer? [[ Soda ]] pepsi [[ Food ]] chinese [[ Book ]] dont really reead, but chika chika boom boom was my favv when i was little! coconuts and alphabets :) [[ Band ]] taking back sunday [[ CD ]] Tell All Your Friends [[ Song ]] Cute without the E [[ Movie ]] Blue Crush [[ Country ]] Canada, fuck the U.S. [[ State ]] florida, and i bet id love cali [[ City ]] flagler [[ School Subject ]] english [[ Movie genre ]] drama [[ Extracurricular Activity ]] listening to/writing music Do you... [[ Color your hair? ]] nopee [[ Have tattoos? ]] not yet [[ Piercings? ]] ears and tongue [[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ]] no [[ Floss daily? ]] yes [[ Own a webcam? ]] yeah but idk where it is [[ Ever get off the damn computer? ]] no :) [[ Sprechen Sie Deutcsh? ]] no [[ Hablar Espanol? ]] si. [[ Quack? Quack quack? ]] uh.. [[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ]] dont drive yet [[ DUI? ]] no [[ Been in a wreck? ]] yes [[ Been arrested? ]] almost [[ Stolen a car? ]] no [[ Stolen anything? ]] yes [[ Smoke? ]] cigs [[ Pot? ]] no thanks [[ Crack? ]] fuck that [[ Drink? ]] yes [[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ]] yes [[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name? ]] sure have [[ Posed for nude pics? ]] no thanks [[ Considered a life of crime? ] yes [[ Considered being a hooker? ]] yes [[ Maybe a pimp? ]] i am a pimp. 8) [[ Been married? ]] uhh..sure [[ Been divorced? ]] yep. Are you psycho? [[ Split personalities? ]] no [[ Schizophrenic? ]] thats the same thing as above retards [[ Obsessive? ]] yup [[ Compulsive? ]] sometimes [[ Panic? ]] not really [[ Anxiety? ]] so bad [[ Depressed? ]] clinically [[ Suicidal? ]] not anymore [[ Homicidal? ]] yep [[ Genocidal? ]] YEP [[ Pedophile? ]] no thanks [[ Obsessed with hate? ]] sometimes [[ Mutilate animals? ]] noooo [[ Idolize infamous criminals? ]] yep [[ Had sex outdoors? ]] not sex, but everything else ;) Right now... [[ What are you listening to? ]] tbs - timberwolves in NJ [[ What are you watching? ]] myself type [[ What time is it? ]] 2:21 p.m. [[ What are you wearing? ]] billabong hoodie, roxy pants, socks and a navy blue long sleeve t shirt. i need to shower. [[ Hey baby, nice shoes... ]] thanks [[ What're you drinking? ]] nothing but im thirsty [[ Eating? ]] nothing but im hungry [[ Got both hands on the keyboard? ]] yep [[ You sure bout that? ]] fuuuck u ;) [[ Who are you talkin to? ]] brenda [[ What other windows do you have open? ]] kazaa [[ How bored are you? ]] super [[ Be anywhere, where would you be? ]] the warm beach. ((remind me not to ever act this way again)) - edIt - im just way bored so i felt like writing. i havent eaten anything all day and im way hungry and im waiting to eat something but that wasnt really relevant to anything. that stupid song that keeps saying UH OH the whole thing is on the radio. ITS THE GAYEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. my room looks so beautiful clean. i wanna go surfing. i want a sector 9 longboard skateboard. i want green duffs with a tan bottom. i want roxy earrings. i want long board shorts. i want a Lost or Rip Curl surfboard. i want to move now. i want chinese food. i want a new sexual partner/benefit buddy since its been awhile. i want my license. i want spring break to be here in 2 weeks instead of xmas break. i wanna party on new years eve. i wanna hang out with erin josh & ryan. i wanna go to the gym and get buff. i want 2004 to be a really good year. i want matt back. i want a boyfriend. i want new glasses. i want a beanie with a brim on it. i want the etnies zip up from Active. i want my name to be shickelgruber (hahahahhahah Neil). so your gonna get me all that riiight ;) hehe ouuuuuut..
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or let alone your worst ex.

