i dispise this town.
i miss palm trees.
flat land.
70 degrees equaling freezing.
sleeping with only a sheet.
and sand.
i wasted this day because i thought ivan was coming over but he ended up being super busy all day. i did get to drive on the highway for the firs time though.. i didnt like it very much. it was cool being able to go faster, but i cant turn myself around to look behind me when trying to switch lanes because im so afraid of swerving off the road or something. so i thought all was clear without turning around, i switch lanes and a car that i did not see at all suddenly appeared and almost hit my bumper and they beeped and swore at me. suprisingly, my dad actually didnt flip out at me. in fact he let me drive to maine and just cruise around blasting my music while him and my mom sat in the back.. that was pretty sweetass because i felt way cool and i didnt get lost. good times.
YES, sam sent me this techno song that eric jason brenda and i listened to 200 times a day while we were there because he has kazaa and i dont.. very cool of him because its been stuck in my head for over a week now. i cant wait to go back down there in 2 months. im wondering.. should i go in early july and come back early august, or go in early july and come back late or mid august? or not come back at all :) all 3 are possibilites and according to my sometimes wonderful father i can make any one of the choices. im stoked.. 2+ months away from this shit hole excuse for a living enviroment could possibly be the best idea ever brainstormed :) well im zoning out like crazy so im probably just gonna go to bed, later gators 8)
random pictures//

over christmas break mark brenda jen and i went out for a little night on the town which ended up being until 5 in the morning, this is at dennys with some people that we just decided to start talking to. the girl making the weird face is brittany and then thats mark.. the guy in the corner is some cowboy that i had to sit next to while his one night stand girl was literatly caressing his penis outside of his pants as i involuntarily stared at them in horror.

me taking a picture in the mirror.
we need to fuckin chill soon dude
then again who isnt now a days
thats cool though
looks like yoiu hade fun by looiking at those pictures
theone.theonly. RITA