my world through a 35 mm. lens

Feeling: lustful
starting 4 days before and the day before i got my license: 4th of july at highland park with rachel brion caitlin brenda and brittnie. mark and i at walmart with some gay hats and sunglasses on, planning on going to florida in them :) chris and mark at chris' apartment. mark at chris' apartment. "TOUCH IT." - Starsky & Hutch this is what we do when we get bored at someones apartment at 3 AM. and not smoke, either. Day one of having my license: stopped up at jon's to shout a holler. Day two: my lovely parking job at Dunkin Donuts with brenda ashley and rachel. thats myyyy car ;) we werent aware an Airshow was going on in vestal and i was having an anxiety attack because they were flying right over my car. a random smashed up car in Giant parking lot on the way home from saying hi to hot phil & adam. my cousin Adam, rocking my pink and black vans. adam and brenda, engaged to be married soon. bean with the hose. the whooole crew, rach ashley brion flo bean brenda & bert. "everybody in the basement gettin tipsy" brenda rach bert "burrrr" & brion rach brion and our good friend Ice 101. name::: jenn age::: 16 birthday::: march 29th gender::: girl location::: NY hair color::: brownish blonde eye color::: dark brown whos... your best guy friend?: ivan and brion best girl friend?: brenda rachel and ashley the loudest?: me cutest?: ashlleey shyest?: ivan bitchiest?: me most rebellious?: BEAN, that kid does not listen to anything funniest?: bean & flo most outgoing?: me easiest to talk to?: brenda gives the best advice?: brenda would you die without?: bj sweetest?: ashleyyy always there for you?: the girls favorites... food::: taco bell color::: gray TV show::: real world radio station::: 104 but i try not to listen to the radio favorite person ever::: mr perricone place to be::: florida amusement park::: darien lake movie::: grind flavor of ice cream::: mint chocolate chip day of the week::: saturday day of the year::: my birthday holiday::: christmas music... favorite band of all time?: taking back sunday singer for a band?: adam lazzara greatest cd you own::: brand new - deja entendu what type of music do you listen to?: emo do you play an instrument? if so, what?: no do you want to start a band?: of course what would you call it if you did?: idk really what type of music would it be?: emo youre in a band and can tour with any band of all time... who would it be?: taking back sunday cause ive already met them and theyre fucking awesome where do you usually buy your music?: coconuts if you could have any instrument in the world, what would it be?: drums do you have a crush?: oh yes who?: its not hard to figure out how long have you liked them?: about a year :) do you talk to them, or is it a distant kinda thing?: we definately talk haha do you have any regrets with past relationships?: no why or why not?: because if i hadnt expierienced them i wouldnt be who i am today you dont have to use names, but explain the best kisses youve ever had...: the ones ive been getting for 6 months now whats the most embarassing thing you own?: nothing really whats the one job that you want most?: to work at pacsun last time you..... talked on the phone: a few hours ago w/ brenda listened to the radio: yesterday in the car cause i couldnt figre out how to work my cd player lit somthing on fire: at my party monday night went to a party: monday night, my own haha put on deodorant: an hour ago washed your hair: a little over an hour ago brushed your teeth: last night wore shoes with out socks: last week ate any kind of fruit: hmm.. i dont remember? watched a cartoon from cartoon network: my party on monday night, we all watched aquateen while me and flo slapboxed kissed someone: last friday went swimming: rachels house lassst thursday said something stupid in front of the person you like: last friday talked to a family member: my mom a little while ago went camping: over a month ago with brenda in my back yard went to a concert or sporting event: may :( went on a road trip: everyday is a road trip in my car haha got in trouble: not in awhile? *praying and knocking on wood* made someone cry: mmm last week cried over a girl?: last week cried over a guy?: yesterday kissed your best friend?: last friday ate a bug of some sort for a dare?: never done something to piss your parents off?: today how about to piss one of your friends off?: who knows gone a week without a shower?: neeever listened to the same song for over an hour: today bought anything online?: forever ago been snowboarding?: 7th grade? cursed at someone?: today said the F word in front of your parents?: today
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can we be friends?

have fun, it's the weekend...

i'm sorry, i gave into temptation. i love that song.

you little cousin adam looks so cute!

whos your crush and whos chris that isnt marks boyfriend is it?
If you ever need any kind of question. I started an advice diary so let me know if you need anything.
I've seen in some of your entrys that your not all that happy sometimes. I want you know that you probably dont really notice me or like me that much but I go to M-E and im in the same graduating class that your in. But anyway, i really kind of look up to you. I mean kind of like an idol. I mean your friend with everyone you always know how to make someone laugh. Something that i always wish i had. I Love your style and personality.
But anyway I just wanted you to know that you may not know it but your a role model for some people. And thanks
no joke. and idk maybe but i would feel like a complete and total idiot if i said who it was. because in this diary im like a total and complete different person. its nothing like what im like on the outside. so really im not sure that you would love to talk all that much. i just wanted you to know that even though you might not see it people look up to you.
I love youuuuu jen :-* im so glad we became such good friends,and with brenda and rachel! so many good times i dunno what id do without you! Im always here for you dude! PRC! i heart u much