whenever im alone with you

Listening to: 311 - love song
Feeling: melodramatic
such a sweet, fun, complex, chill weekend. a definite amazing way to spend the last weekend of 10th grade. friday night we went to brendas & marks to watch lorin and everyone get their prom pictures taken. i got to marks house late so i didnt get to see mark & liz, but i saw lorin who looked so beautiful, and kevin weir who was looking border line gorgous. then we went to dicks and bought the tent, and while standing in line i see none other than the guy who was hitting on me the night before in taco bell, i guess hes like the manager or something there, named Kyle, i was so embaressed and he kept inching his way over to me and he was smiling so big it was pretty funny, and pretty coincidental. ahh whatever.. and we went back to my house and after about an hour we set it up all by ourselves! it was confusing at first cause it didnt come with instructions but after a few mistakes we did it perfectly, and got some pizza and watched old school. at like 10 brion and josh stopped by and we all talked in the tent for an hour or so, then we waited a little while and took the car out again. we were out driving for a good hour and a 1/2, we drove alllll over the backstreets of endwell, up by the highschool, snob nob, the HUUUGE rich houses, and over by adriennes and chris gaetas, almost out into endicott. the after prom party was going on at the highschool and i get pretty nervous driving illegaly on the main streets so after we drove by once i didnt wanna go back even though we were supposed to go say hi to rachel and jon. so we picked up brion & josh and drove around some more, then over by ivans cause i love the small part of the highway and his road is hella scary at night, so as im coming down the winding part of the highway i see a cop pulling over a car and i actually didnt freak out, so we took the boys back and went home. the tent was actually sooo comfortable to sleep in, and we woke up to my dog coming inside and my brother & timmy being as gay as they could possibly be at 8 IN THE MORNING, we had just gotten in like 4 hours earlier. so all day we watched movies and stuff and i could not keep my eyes open. we fell asleep on the trampoline at 2ish when the sun was hella hot and it felt so nice, i love sleeping in the sun more than anything :) then we went to rachels house with sam and went swimming and ate a bunch of food. after sam left ashley came over and i fell asleep on the floor, i really think i have a bad sleeping disorder but hey who cares, and not too long after she got there her dad took us back to brendas. we watched SNL with lorin for a little bit then mark picked us up :D we went to wendys, then walmart. i bought him some food and i got this awesome tanning oil that i used to use last year and i havent been able to find it, and it was only $5 this time! :) very happy. then we got gas and went bar hopping in binghamton. empire always sucks, the comfort zone is funny cause its all black people out front, so we go over to the side street by the arena where flashbacks, the tiki bar, and j&t's tavern is. THE hottest guys ever, there so nice, they hit on us, we blend in cause everyone stands outside listening to the music and no one can tell that we cant actually get into the clubs haha we saw marks older sister whos hella cool and his 2 cousins there, so we stayed longer than we usually do. it got boring pretty fast though so we just drove home. brenda decided to go home cause we didnt wanna camp out again, ivan was supposed to be here tonight but who knows what happened with that.. ahhh.. but anyways, we both just really wanted to sleep in our own beds for one night. so now im here, its 3:33 am and i just got in about 20 minutes ago so im going to pass out in my wonderful futon next to me, peeeeeeace outttt.
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TOMORROWS OUR LAST DAY OF BIO...umm well..for this year :)
Crazy stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have a really pretty background pic.