in this sea of lonely

Listening to: the used
Feeling: faded
ILOVEWHENJEFFISINTOWN. because it reminds me of when my life wasn't confusing and i was too stupid to realize what i wanted. he's erins cousin from California, him and his mom, Michelle, are here for another week. they came up a year and a half ago when erin and i used to be inseperable. they are the greatest people to just sit around and laugh until you die with. i say i was too stupid to realize what i wanted because back then i didnt really care about much except for having a good time all the time, and now i'm older and more mature and i know things ahead of time and i know the outcome of what most things bring. but last time i saw this child, i was happier. ANYWAY, hes 13. haha but really, he looks our age. and hes way fun to hang out with. and when the age gap isnt anything and were both over 18, were going to elope. so monday night i got into a huge, 3 hour fight with my parents. but the fights are good because they end in good spirits and everyones happy and i get what i want. BUT, not really this time. i had to reschedule my road test for July 8th. but hey, thats a week and a day away. yesterday i helped my grama do some stuff at her house, then michelle jeff and erin picked me up and we went to the mall. didnt stay for long cause erin had work, so i went home and went for a run and brenda came over. we walked down to erins work and hung out for a bit, then jana picked us up and brought us to erins house. i havent been there in forever and we had such a good time, laughed harder than ever and watched the season finale of Real World. then brenda and jana left, and erins mom, grama, aunt jeff and i all watched the BET awards and seriously.. my abs are killing me today from laughing so hard. then we took a ride over to Dunkin Donuts and i stole some hand gloves and ate with them on, it was funny if you were there. i got home at like 12:30 and went to bed. today i layed in the sun and ran, then went to my gramas for awhile. im waiting for brenda to pick me up now. were going to the mall with her mom, then to vestal for our usual taco bell/ dicks/ barnes and noble visit. then later hopefully i'll meet up with erin and jeff :D
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