i'm almost there

last night was memorable. bean and flo picked up brenda ashley and i and we went to look for the hotel party but it was nonexistant. they got pissed off because they thought we lied to them but we really didnt, and we had no where to go cause it was late and all of our parents expected us to be wherever we told them. we ended up staying at ivan's house which was so cool of him to let us do, especially since bean & flo are insane. we had a good talk for awhile and that makes me happy. when things suck between you and one of your best friends.. it pretty much throws off everything else in your life. we stayed up all night watching boiling points and taking random walks outside, getting eaten alive because he lives across from the river. bean and i shared my blanket and i got an hour of sleep until we left at 6 AM to go to denny's & walmart. once i got home at 7 ashley and i had our deep talk :) then just as i got to sleep flo calls me yelling that someone stole his wallet, but since he has down syndrome it was underneath is seat. i only slept til 11:30 then just went to my gramas and tanning & stuff. i'm absolutely exhausted and i'm going to rachels house in a little bit to watch the VMA's with brenda. work tomorrow 1-5. visit me :)
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sounds fun.

work is evil.