nah thats a semi auto and a vest on my chest 8)

Feeling: single
i am ready to party this weekend. really though. last weekend was pretty chill, going out with mark til at least MIDNIIIGHT, lets stay out later this time :) hopefully bean & flo will come over and get us so we can go party it up. THENNNN swimming tomorrow, i am so exxxxcited to get back in the water. i better actually go and get the membership because i'll sit here and contemplate if i should use the $40 or save it for florida, when really i dont need to buy anything in florida, i dont need to buy clothes & shit, i HAAAAAATE when i do that. over the summer i had my mom send me like $300 when she had already given me like $200, and i bought a roxy skirt, roxy jeans, a few shirts, a belt, underwater camera/ then got them developed, and pizza for co and that was literatly in a matter of 2 days. lol so yeah i don't wanna take a bunch of money down there and waste it on clothes that i never wear and that cost me $60 a piece. so yeah however i turned swimming into buying clothes in florida, you tell me. i took a vow of silence in mark's car after school, just out of nowhere lol. i didn't feel like talking so i just sat there and smiled and wrote on brenda's notebook, and danced erotically to britney spears :) maura butash? i think or whatever her last name is came with us and she's really funny, unlike mark's other amigos that need to be HUNG from a light fixture. :) what else what else.. oh yeah, feliz cumpleaños ivan, welcome to your 16th year alive! WOOOOO. how lame am i gonna be on my birthday because im gonna be screaming it down the halls, because im fucking cool like that. OH YEAH, sun boxies tonight con brenda jacccccck-me-off-son :) ITS BEEN A WEEK, IM FIENDING, I NEED TO GET UNDRESSED AND LAY IN A VERY UNHEALTHY BOX THAT PRODUCES VIOLENT UV-RAYS FOR 15+ MINUTES WHILE LISTENING TO SOME MILDLY CHILL TUNES. what a nerdo, point and laugh at me ;) ill leave you with some gangster jay z lyrics.. everytime your name was brought up i would act all -nonchalant- in front of an audience, like you was just another shorty i put the naughty on, but uh, truth be told? you through me for a loop, this Hov 8)
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