
Feeling: flirty
my mood has changed so much from earlier dudes, im stoked. sometimes being bi-polar is actually refreshing because you know as shitty as you feel one second its allll gonna change in a matter of hours, and your gonna be high again. ((ive asked myself how much do you, committ yourself)) i went to the dollar genreal to get some shit, and i honestly love that store. when im older im gonna get all my shit there that i need for around the house and school and stuff, why the hell would people pay more than like a dollar for a binder, or pledge or something? haaa, bargain shopper 8) but they had some cool things in there that im gonna get cause im in a creative mood. they had like feet long things of silver stars that im gonna put all over my room somehow. weeee and i got coconut lotion that smells fucking amazing :) i cant wait till xmaaaaaaass, 18 days i believe? im going off at pacific sunwear. and how cool everyones gonna fucking be "skater" and "surfer" and "punk" when we get back, guarenteed. EVEN THOUGH IVE SHOPPED THERE AND DRESSED LIKE THAT SINCE 2ND GRADE, i guess you gotta get used to that. a perfect example is brittany pierce. just because your going out with jon i didnt know it called for dressing the way he does or whatever. thanks for stealing my fucking shoes bitch. now i have to get the blue and orange ones. not that it matters, since im getting the slip on vans with the palm tree print and NO ONE has those in our school, and no ones going to either. :) hey, i claim my shit, and i claim it good. dont do things ive been doing all my life if your gay and i dont like you. thats my new rule, obey it or die ;) lmao. so i hope new years eve is fun. hopefully ill be partying with this little bitch i know ;) hahhaa you know who you is, dont deny it ;-* AHHHHHHH and i cant wait til my birthday!! ive already figured out what i want, lmao. a guitar, green duffs, drum lessons, a sector 9 longboard skateboard, my permit obviouusly, and my nose pierced. weeeee its gonna be hott. *humps you* uh uh. alright well its time to go do some laundry, and watch the saturday night live xmas special with my mom that we've been watching since we moved hereeee hahah :) loooove u guys so much, leave some mother fucking loooove back ;) Full name: jennifer lynne tallman Who were you named after?: nobody Do you wish on stars?: no but that sounds fun Which finger is your favorite?: pointer, and my ring finger When did you last cry?: a little today If you were making a movie about yourself, what would the title be?: hmm.. something about music and surfing Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes Who do you admire?: adam lazzara, gwen stefani, jen o'brien, and brynn austin What is the #1 priority in your life?: i dont think i really have a #1 priority to tell you the truth What is your favorite lunch meat?: i only like turkey Any bad habits?: ciggarettes, nail biting, depressing myself on purpose, apathy What is the most embarrassing cd on your shelf?: you should never be embaressed about music If you were another person, would you be friends WITH you?: defentely Are you a daredevil?: at times i can be Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: yep Have you ever stolen anything?: yes Do looks matter?: i only find people attractive if i like their personality, being mean and having no personality just make you ugly Have you ever misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: uhh probably Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: i sure hope so Do fish have feelings?: yes i bet they do. How do you release anger?: crying, when i get pissed off i cant help but cry, or i throw things around and scream. Where is your second home?: brendas or jessys, although i dont go there much anymore Do you trust others easily?: no, fuck trust. What was your favorite toy as a child?: legos What class in school do you think is totally useless?: biology Do you like sappy love songs?: love them. Have you ever been on radio or television?: both Do you like sarcasm?: yes Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: fucking love them Do you know what 'sctief' is?: noo idea What is your nickname?: jennibean, jenni tall, j tall, j tizzle, onion :) hahaa Would you bunjee jump?: i wanna do it so bad Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?: nope What are you worried about right now?: my outline for my research paper, cuz i didnt do it. Do you ever wear overalls?: God no Do you think you are strong?: emotionally, sometimes. physically, yes. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?: i dont really like ice cream, but mint chocolate chip What's your favorite color?: pink What's your least favorite thing in the world?: being dumped, haaa. How many teeth do you have?: all that im supposed to Do you have anything pierced?: 3 in each ear, and my tongue. Do you have any tattoos? not yet * * *** just sing along. i'm the queen of catastrophe. i'm so far gone. that deep down inside i think it's fine by me, that im my own worst enemy.
Read 14 comments
just thought id say hi!
taking back sunday is great. i saw your username, and was like wow...i bet this chics into taking back sunday, so yeah, i thought id stop by and say hi. :) [Kristen]
bro, you take to many quizes

i can not stop saying bro its driving me nuts BRO ahhaha i did that one on purpose

i had something to say, i just forgot what it was... oh well :))

haha i fucking hate brittany perice i wanna like burn her moles off or something ahh its undescribable how much i hate her but yeaa i just loove her new worderobe to mann and i was juust telling brittney how i wanna take drum lessons toooo so much in common
you wanted to be added?
: ) probably gonna get a third...hahah ..or both sides of the tip of my stuff. but i just got two more lip on each side. sooo i dunno ..might not do the tongue for a while. i will take pics soon. have a nice day.
hahahah F U bitch. i love u man. anddd hey look at that i think im getting my nose done over breaaak, and my permit woo hoo, then i can come piick ur ass up and we can do stuffu fOcker.

i'm *hopefully* gettin my nose done over spring break..if not sooner *weee* yea..brittany pierce...can effing go to hell ..along with the majority of our high school :oD.. and we will DEF. hang out over xmas no raping required...unless u really want to ;o)..haha..well i'm outted! i wuv youuuuuu!!

noo you can all go suck my boob because i had my nose done firsttt it actually sort of gorss have a nice day :)
awesome. i wish i could meet them. :)
no u didnt u dork i just got it in the mail, haha

im just gay tho, fucker.

new years ever ;)

Hi, you don't know me, but where did you get the vans with the palm trees. ive been looking high and low for them.. and its 2005. lol lol..
