will i see you in sept. or will i lose you to a summers nigh

Listening to: ur-shur
Feeling: bizarre
hi, im a junior. im pretty sure i almost died 8th period. i definately picked the best day/ period to skip because i had so much fun. i sat with nick, ron, jon, steve, brenda and rachel skipped spanish to come in. we got some ice cream and laughed our asses off, of course from making fun of various people in our school. nick was screaming things out the window to people, pretending to be a german guy at a concentration camp. i thought i was going to d i e. then he went to his locker cause he got this brilliant idea, he chewed up a cheeseburger in october and mixed it with water and like puked it back up into the water bottle and left it in his locker for all these months. he brought it to lunch and it was so disgusting looking, i took pictures of it so ill post them sometime. so i made some stupid comment about wondering what it smelled like.. and since nick is 5 years old he fucking opens it and it was histarical because it started fizzing.. within 10 seconds of opening it the entire cafeteria smelled like dead people and cheese and feet and i dont even know how to describe it, seriously. ive never dry heaved before and i got to experience that thanks to him. it was still funny as hell cause the monitors were getting hella pissed off so he opened it and dumped it into the garbage can and the janitors were like dieing. we took a bunch of pictures and laughed our asses off. i love those kids :) ahh then spanish.. only class besides health that made me hella sad. i had the best class ever, with myke robble, brendan murphy, "ross", vince, kevin chelak, maleica, tyler, matt, brittany, mike potenza, and then some other gay kids. but we had so much fun all year. it was sad to have to say bye to them, but hopefully ill see them next year. then brenda and i cleaned out our lockers and we both went home. but back-tracking for a minute.. i wrote mr. perricone a pretty lengthy typed up "evaluation" excpet it was more about how great of a person he is and whatnot. well during health since i gave it to him earlier that day, he thanked me so many times and told me he framed it and all this stuff, he wouldnt stop holding my hand too haha then after 6th he gave me a huge hug in the middle of all these people and ahhh i just LOVE that man more than anything, and im really gonna miss him so much. we might do lunch over the summer :) he lives pretty close to me so ill probably visit him sometimes too. hes just been an awesome influence on me this year. i have a spanish final at 8 in the morning so i need to get to bed now. bye bye hotties Ron ya7754: jen u know ur the only person i'd ever cut Ron ya7754: if u ever need me to cut your head off and eat it, i will dont worry you wouldnt get it unless you knew our joke, but i love my fucking friends :)
Read 5 comments
i dont know ur joke..but that last part sounds a lot like the Reno911! commercial..lol..dork..i miss u ya know

stephanie burdcik
Hye Jen its Branden I got new diary name thingy get at me girl!

well your school sounds really cool
SOunds like sOmOne had a superb day :)