just... fuck off.

Listening to: Atreyu
Feeling: crappy
fuck off is my favorite phrase ever. people dont care! i love it! i hope..no actually i dont hope people die, i personally would like to die for a change! :) HOLY SHIT I CANT TAKE PEOPLE ANYMORE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FEDUP I AM? im sitting here, with my new glasses on, makeup smeared everywhere, drowning in these pathetic tears that are marks of what i cannot take any longer. but what can i do? what can you do when you cant pin point anything that makes you feel this way, well you can, but its nothing you can actually fix.. cause your just pathetic. your. just. pathetic. FUCK off.
Read 6 comments
jennnn..i love you man!!..cheer up girl..and remember..if u ever need to talk..i'm always here :o)

dude i know if i was u i would be like why the fuck are u commenting to me. But honestly im about the same as u yet different days. life sucks PERIOD
and if people think they can talk and make things better it wont make shit great. lovers sucks friends suck and family sucks but i guess we need to live for so fucking reason. love u thoug

guess who ;)
damnit i didnt mean to sign it.
now i want glasses
Your young dont be so hard on yourself some day you will look back and say why didn't I do more with my life. so do it now and enjoy the later years