i hate christmAs music.

Feeling: glowing
boy i hate xmas music. me and tiera are partners in keyboarding today, and theres a sheet with pictures and we're supposed to figure out what songs they are...i dont know any of them. i seriously cant stand xmas music..but i am excited about next thursday :) presents RAWK. i hope this break is gonna be fun, i really want to enjooooy it and come back a new and enlightend person. 2004 better kick ass. how could it not? spring break, ill be turning 16 and be able to drive, summer break, WARPED TOUR, and ill be a junior!!! it should be interesting at least. im pretty stoked.. tiera, put fuck you for number 9 :) im sorry but that was histarical. and im not sorry for not helping. i hope you fail your permit test tonight you asswad. hahhaaaaa holy shit people in this class just ran and knocked each other over to give the teacher their papers first. hahaha i wish they would have gotten hurt. its not funny until someone gets hurt. alright im chillen leave some
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hah it's the song "until the day i die" by story of the year, only on some message box or something. you don't have to say anything, just listen
*ahh* thinking about summer and warmthhh and the warped tour..makes me warm and fuzzy inside..haah *eee*..:o)..god damn coldness sucks so effing much!!!..

lemee know whats going down over break..maybe this weekend too? ;o)..well..only if u waaaant..lol.
j/e/double n/i
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh me too i wanna kill everything christmas around me and every person around me, haa mrs o is a idiot she just puts i on and thinks it makes everyoe so giddy, nope.

does it make everyone giddy? um NOOOO

;) lovesss yous
