yOu make me feel, im so gone.

Listening to: Nada Surf - Popular
Feeling: apprehensive
im home sick from school cause im just cool like that. last night i had a hella bad sinus headache and what not, and i really need a day to gather my shit for the research paper. so thats what im going to do. brendas not going to florida which means the show is fucking on. im so stoked i can hardly contain myself. really though its gonna be off the hook. -so in love with you like a drug addict- i havent heard So Gone by Monica in forever. that was my favorite song over the summer. oh and i love to love you baby. i havent been absent in 2 weeks! thats such a record for me. being absent always makes me feel bad, like im being a bad kid. haha it just does but i know im not missing anything today. i'll only not go to school if i know nothing important is going on. i hope everyones having a good day! :) well im gonna get to writing for this paper, and watch some talk shows with my mom :) love uuu. my heart is drenched in wine. you'll be on my mind forever. - edit - i just realized how much i fucking love how adams voice sounds at the end of You Know How I Do, when he sings the last word "on". yummmmy! today was suchhh a crappy day. i hate feeling shitty and not taking a shower and laying around and ugh. i should have just went to school i guess. i got the beginning of my research paper started for the rough draft, im stoked. its pretty good, as long as im doing it right. actually i dont give a shit if im doing it right. seriously, i just right now realized as long as im putting effort in it my english teacher can shove it up her ass if she doesnt like it. im sick and tired of stressing about it. since i bought my pink sapphire diamond ring last christmas, Kay Jewelers sends me like coupon things to buy stuff for WAY cheap. theres this beaauutiful purple diamond ring and i can get it for like 40 bucks with the thing they sent me. and my mom wants to get it for me :) that made me happy. im a ring freak. i really need to take a shower. neil and jessy said the new chicken nuggets at mcdonalds are way good cause there real or something. uhh that makes me nervous that there "real", i guess the other ones were fake? nice to know that. i hope this weekend can be fun. i want jen jessy and brenda to spend the night friday or somethinggg and we can go sneak out and just walk around and be cool :) haha thats the only thing to do around here. walk around. why cant i feel anything for, anyone other than you ?
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hi jen u fuck staynig home i was gonna today too;)

loooooooserrr :o).. u better be here tomarrrrow so i can see u in gym..*weeeee* :oD
