sustaning tones & broken bones>>>

Feeling: interested
ive noticed this song puts me in a weird frame of mind, who knows if its good or bad. talking to rachel is awesome because i think we both hold things in without even realizing it, probably because we think no one could understand or care. not dumb things either, pretty deep stuff. shes such a good kid. her brothers taking me her and erica out for lunch tomorrow for my birthday. and since i'm going we'll most likely get caught, because my luck is just like that. buuuut i suppose after school detention isn't the worst thing in the world just to go get some pizza. maybe they should just let us have an open campus? my mom is such a nerdo and i LOVE it. she got me a lilo & stitch cake and she bought a bunch of mini surfboards & shells and put them all over the table. it was so cute, i felt 8 years old again haaa. i got $200 all together for florida from my grama & aunt, and my parents are waiting to give me my money until i leave so i dont waste it here. thank goodness its only a week and a day away. hopefully get some driving practice in throughout that time. my uncle came over and chilled with me today because we never get to hang out anymore, and he's like you can use my car anytime and i'll teach you how to drive stick and crap so i'm stoked. might as well learn how to drive both in case i ever need to in the future. and right about now i need to go write my AA paper and print out my lovely biology one that took me two hours. sigh.
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happy b-day tomorrow lova! if you get your permit that'd be funny. i still dont have mine. ill be 17 in may too. IM SO COOL oh man xxxxo :-*
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