so please dear untie me>>

Feeling: pleased
howdy hoes, how goes it :) i wish so badly that tomorrow was friday, sucks that its only gonna be THURSDAY, two more days until i get to leave this shit hole for syracuse. heeeee, its only an hour away but its better. and its gonna be super warm, today was so nice. half days are the reason why i live. i came home and trampolined it with timmy, haaaa hes a nerdo. im just a pedefile though, :) i didnt think a 12 year old could be so much fun to chill with though, probably because his brother is older and he learns from him.. ? but yeah hes my best friend. it was way warm out though, kinddda chilly but i was wearing capri pants & flip flops. i hope with everything inside me that its here to stay. well im off to the sun box when my mother gets in, later loverssss. im striking you dead but your absolutely fabulous}}}}}}
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