iiiiii'm kewl. >> ZACH.

Listening to: deathcab>
Feeling: amorous
i'm really bored so i'm going through all the moods that i don't know the meaning of. amorous is a good mood for me. anyyyway-- lunch today. i havent laughed that hard in a LONG time. well like a week haha. but still. zach gaskill is my soulmate??! ahhh he gets me going and i can't stop. what the hell were we even talking about.. everything's always about sex anyway. i can ask him anything and talk to him about anything because he's the most trustworthy person i know, and he doesn't make a big deal out of it unless we're joking around. damnit though i can't remember what it was that was making me laugh... OH yeah. he was talking about his crazy grama down in Jersey and how she was born in Russia and 9 of her brothers and sisters ended up dieing because of the lack of food from the great depression. {not the funny part obviously} and he's like talking about how his grama made it through and how she's just wicked crazy, and i wasn't really paying total attention and i went to grab something and he's like "but they just ate each other, can i have your pudding?" you had to be there but seriously rachel heather pat erica rychelle and i were DIEING. i inhaled whatever i had in my mouth and i was coughing for like the rest of the period. he says everything so nonchalantly. hahaha he's just fucking great. he won't stop making fun of me about the vein and how i thought you were supposed to squeeze it, lmaaaao. i won't go in depth to that, it's an insider 8) bio was fricken histarical too. zach ashley malecia and i were lab partners, zach and i got into a discussion about halloween '02 and the festivities that went on.. which won't/can't be mentioned because what happens in certain places STAYS in certain places.. hhahaa.. but we were talking about it anyway.. and mr. 4 incher was in the class but like on the other side, HAAAAAA. yeah you'll never find out who. i also screamed that i didn't know there was any bones in a vagina, mrs. betza gave me a really really odd look. see it doesn't sound as funny when i write about it or talk about it, you just have to be there. zach and i together = too much. hahah what a greaaatttt specimen zacharia is :) i think i'll just change the title of this entry from "iiiii'm kewl" to " zach" since this whole thing is about him anyway haha :)
Read 2 comments
Oh Jen, you have no idea how bad I'd love to see you. I bet you're something pretty hot yourself..you always have been.

Oh, I took if from a girl that hates me so I figured I'd piss her off and take it :-)
damn right EXCATLY