f a l l i n g i n t o o b l i v i o n

Listening to: papa roach
Feeling: abandoned

When nothing goes your way, when everything in your life goes to shit, When you'ved totally hit rock bottom, and you'll do anything to feel alive again.. What is it that you do? I don't know, All I know is that I have hit rock bottom, and I don't know what to do from here. Everything is so hard again, I'm loesing instrest in everything that used to make me happy.. Nothing is worth the effort. I don't even want to get out of bed somedays. I honeslty feel like I am wasting away. I have nothing, no friends, no trust, i cant turst anyone anymore.. i'll just end up getting hurt.. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!?! why dosent anyone care? I am just despoisbale. its not fair..... all I ever wanted..... was a frined.. who wouldent lie to me.. a friend who would always be there for me... a friend.. who would never hurt me... but thats just to much to ask... everyone.. who i have put trust in.. has hurt me.. if i could disspear.. no one would even care.. you'll just forget my name.. my present is not needed anymore.. if i would die.. everything everyone would be better.. more money for the family.. my sister would be happier.. and as for my best friend.. amanda... it would be just another day for her.. and than she would be able to spend time with the person who she really wanted to sepnd time with.. ashley.. with every passing minuet.. the pain gets worst... the acid burns me... i would do anything.. to make everyone els life better.. even if that ment to sacfrice myself.. i hate everything about me.. i dont belong here.. i dont beling anywhere.. i wish i had a place somwehere.. were people loved me for me... were people were my friends.. no one would do anything intanatial to hurt me. a place.. a place.. were im met to be.. i dont fit here.. i dont think i'll ever fit anywhere.

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