acid that works itself from the inside out
Lost inside my own head
the poison makes me dizzy and confused
I took the bite
and absorbed your poison
I stayed by your side
even though i knew you would attacked at any time
Was it worth it?
To end like this?
all those years i spent by your side
being the best friend i could be
doing whatever I could to make you happy
To end like this?
you never hesitated to bite me
and i took it
not wanting to harm you
to protect you from myself
I did all I could
it didn't mean anything
you threw it all away
just so you could get back at someone
never did you stop to see how it would affect me
all those years
i ignored my pain
and stayed by your side
Even though I knew
you never cared
I was just a tool
only until you found someone els
now i stand where i was before
truth comes out
more with actions than with words
I know you all to well
lies.... hurt more than punches
I know I'm talked about when I'm not around
I know I'm nothing at all
That I don't belong here
That I'm everything you say I am when I'm not in the room
I still ignored all that pain
and stayed your friend
and still your bit injected poison into me
slowly it works its way inside me
eating away at everything
but the pain of your memory