I think I finally did it, I think I am finally over it.
Well I THINK I am maybe I'm not totally over it cause, look I am still writing about it. Even right now I am thinkiing about him. So maybe I'm not over him, but at least now I am ok with it.
Today I took the last step in my recovery of the disease. A few weeks ago he unblocked me on faceook, which means he has probably been facebook creeping on me.I guness this become he has commented under things I have commentd on of mutual friends posts. Actually talking to me/ making comments because of my comment. Nothing bad just... but still.. Why? Why after all this time? Why try now? NO. He has hurt me for the last time.
So today I did it, I finally did it, I HIM. Now I am in control of it, and I wont unblock him. He HAS to be out of my life for good, forever.
I still think of him and that is fine, I accept it, after all I did love him very much at one point, he was my world, my everything. And he lost it, he lost me. Now he must accept it.
Not that he will care, he never did anyway. I am finally ok with being on my own, by myself I am not longer depressed, I actually don't hate my life anymore. I feel that I finally want to live and somewhat atually enjoy my life, I smile again, I tell jokes, I am back to being my happy-go-lucky self. I am ok again, and I will never let myself be that way again,
The Disease
He was like cancer, I survived cancer. He is finally out of my life forever. I am in control.