Worked six hours, ran for two and a half..
I am in love with the rush of running, moving with the music. the wind, the feeling of my feet pounding away at the ground, pushing myself to max.
Seeing just how far I can go, today I ran 16 miles. Two and a half hours.
And still I'm an not tired. I wanted to run more but the sun was setting.. I feel like I could run forever. It's peace.
I seem to lose myself when I workout. I forget about everything else in my lfe and just the music takes me away.
The one bad thing is BAD DRIVERS. I have almost been smoked by a car like 3 times now. Today I was running thru the crosswalk I even had the walk sign and this woman run the light and almost hit me.
As long as I foucs on this I am just fine, I'm pretty sure I am happy or just upbeat idk.
Just keep my mind and myself busy. It's working I think. I still miss him..
Just got to keep moving,siiigghhhh, things just have to get better.