I got a new laptop!!!
YAY! I have missed posting, writing on here is something I have done for years I used almost everyday but not having a computer then having to share one made is very difficult and even with a smart phone I wasn't able to use ths website so I'm just glad to be back.
So a lot has changed since my last post, that "date" went well but honestly I just wasn't "feeling it" or well him, don't get me wrong he was awesome I just, well I don't know what my problem was to be honest, I like him as a friend and enjoyed spending time with him but not in that spceial was, I thought at first we could be more and give it a couple chances but he just isn't right for me. I can't control how I feel about people, but anyway I have actually met someone else and I don't want to bite the bullet on this but so far I am feeling it really well.
This might make me weird or maybe I'm not the only one but when it comes to guys I like it's an instant feeling, like from the moment we first met I get this feeling a spark nd I felt the spark something I have only felt three times in my life, this is the first time I have felt like this since the B-Factor. It's still too soon to tell and I don't want to get my hopes up but I can honestly say I am excited. Baby steps tho, I am not rushing anything, and I am not gonna let this run my life. I have learn my lessons in my past with guys. I'm not making this my main foucs and I'm not killing myself over it. Like when he texts me I'm not running to my phone to answer or dropping what I'm doing just to answer. I do like him but I don't want to make him think he's all I think or care about because then he will most likely treat me like crap. That's what's always happens I do too much too soon, so for now I am putting the E-brake on and taking it really really slow, I'm not about to get all crazy over a guy again to just be let down. I really do hope this works out tho, He's deffiently a winner, He's tall, has a nice body, really handsome, and had a great personality. The first day we met we talked like the whole day, that's really rare for me, right from the start I felt like we had a great connection and felt like I could really be myself.
In my last post I said how I would say what happen with the B-factor but that was weeks ago now and I haven't heard from him since, maybe now he is gone for good and that is for the best, he never loved me anyway he didn't even care, time and time again he proved to me how little I really ment to him, this is for the best. I don't have the energy right now to explain everything but in time I will its late and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow so for now, goodnight