Listening to: MSI
Feeling: burned-out
I just can't that this much longer, I am so sick to death of all this stupid drama that always somehow comes into my life. And it's not me I have nothing to do with it, but I always get affected by it. I have a HUGE group of friends that I always hang out with. There is two groups.. but the two groups can't seem to get along so I am stuck in the middle. The two groups just got in a huge fight and now just about hate each other. I don't want to pick sides... But the hard part about this is my Sister who is like my best friend is in one of the groups.. to make is easier on the reader of this stupid thing that no one is gonna read anyway IM gonna call the Groups A and B. Ashley is in group A along with many other people who I love more than life. Group B is small but the 4 people who are in it I love more than life as well. So A and B hate one another.. And Not two long ago the got in this major fight... I don't know what to do about group B now.. After what they did and said to group A.. Cause it was out of the blue and they didn't think things thru when they did "it" cause they did not in any way shape or from consider me, or how it was gonna affected me.. Now my Mum doesn't want me to hang out with group B. And I don't know if I can ever trust them again anyway.. But.. Even though I love being with group A.. I feel like a little tag along cause their like all my sister's friends and not mine.. And I don't want to get in the way of be annoying.. And I don't want people seeing me as a little sister or a shadow.. That's part of the reason why I want to stay friends with group B cause they make me feel like I'm my own person and no just someone's little sister..Also not only do they hate eachother they want to beat up one another... And they are really serious about this.. I am just so fucked up in the head right now. I don't know what to do. Someone out there please help, if anyone actually takes the time to read this. please leave a comment helping me out.. Cause I can't handle this on my own..
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