I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, I can try to hide it all I want and not tell a soul but for some reason that I can't even understand I have been really upset lately and annoyed with the world. I just want to be left alone all the time, If you knew me in person you would have no idea because I hide it well, I don't like people knowing when I get like this. Also I try to aviod people because I get so easily annoyed with them when I am like this.
I feel like nothing in my life is working out right now, that everything is falling apart, I can act like everything is fine but it is really not, nothing is fine everything sucks, and their are no signs showing that things are going to get better, I am always the one helping my friends thru hard problmes and telling them everything is going to be ok, giving the best advice that I can give, but who do I go too? No one. I am the strong one in the group. I have no one to help me and no one to talk too. Things don't look good for me right now, maybe is time again to go under the radar and be MIA for awhile.,
I don't get this way very often, but I have hit rock bottom and when you have no one to help you climb back out it's hard to see the bright side of things, which is normally what I always do. Their is only so much shit I can take at once and I have reached my limit. I feel like shit and for once I would like somoene to listen to me and tell me that everything will be ok and let me have a moment of weakness. I can't be strong all the time. Sometimes I wish I had someone who would listen to me like I listen to them.
It's not easy always having to be the strong one, always being the go to person I feel used. I feel like they only care when they want something or when they need something. :( this sucks I hate when I feel like this,
Super fucking shtty...... :( :( :( sigh.....