college Cafe

What in the world is wrong with people? So I'm sitting in the COLLEGE cafe because my morning class got cancled and I have nothing to do for a hour, so insted of wasting gas and going homeI decided to stay. everything was fine ay first. I went into the cafe open up my labtop and started to go over some of my powerpoints for class. Than out of no where I started to hear this loud annoying rap music, and not just any kind of rap the dirtty nasty kind. The "Kids" that were blasting it had to be 18, they were loud annyoing and acting like 15 year olds. yelling words like fuck and penis like its funny, when its not it is just annoying, why is it everytime i come into this cafe there is always annoying kids in it?? This is college not high school get you're shit together. i am just venting cause i am very upset and people are trying to study and get shit done, there is no reason to be blasting music and yelling. I believe that kids come here just to sit and the cafe and "look cool" when there only making a fool of themselves, there is no reason for the way their acting, no one wants to hear that horrible music, or their dirtty crude conversations, The young boy at one point got up and said "woman are only good for cooking and cleaning, if you're not making me dinner than get the fuck out" at that point i wanted to get up and slap him, but he was hopefully only kidding and trying to make his friends laugh, in all honeslty i feel sorry for the kid, the only reason why he has friends is because hes acts stupid. Its like all the "bad boy" high school boys trying to be cool, it was not funny than and its not now. I went to college in hopes to get away from this... I would like to walk over there and give me a peice of my mind but that would not solve anyhting he would make it into a joke. Oh well at least I am almost done here and I am making something of my life and have real friends who like me for who I am.

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lol sure that sounds nice to have someone to chat and vent too, I don't use AIM anymore but ill give you my email send me a message and if you have facebook you can add me on there, my email is yea I know its lame but i have had that email since i was a kid so it works for me. Well its summer break now so its all good i just know now to not go in the cafe lol i can eat when im home
if you wanna chat or need a nigga to talk or vent with. hit me up on my screename = meanyoumadeit

always on and up for a good conversation, and you seem very interesting.
[Anonymous (]
I know how you feel. I felt the same disenchantment earlier this year. And decided to take a break from school until later this winter of 2012. I use to think school was an escape. then like anything else, I built up a tolerance to it.
[Anonymous (]
yikes sorry for all the spelling issues, I was just writing so fast, and now I am leaving the cafe to get away from these kids ill fix it later, thanks for listening guys!