What the hell was I thinking? I got myself sucked back up into this trap again, and for what? What did I gain, nothing. Well actually that is a lie, I did gain one thing, and that is something I will not share. I don't care, and why the f#*k should I?
It's not like anyone out there is totally honest anymore, everyone has one dark secret. Should I be exiled for it? NO, I know people who have done far more horrible things and they don't get shit, why should I? If I am not hurting anyone and I am happy why should it matter? It's my life. My choice.
So f*#k all the haters, I am going to do what I am going to do, I don't care what anyone else thinks, I am so sick of being judge being used and being treated like shit. I am cutting out a lot of people in my life, I know where I stand with some people and I don't like it so for those people who have tossed me aside and played little games with me you will no longer be in my life. Sorry but buh-bye. You had you're chance and failed.
I will be out of this hell hole soon, i will be moved out and finally be able to be free from all this stupid shit. New place, New life and there is no room in that life for fake people.