My asshole father, Jeff called and upset me. He talks about when he was with my mother like he actually did something to help out. Like cook and play with me or whatever and I know he's lying about it. He never did anything but abuse my mom. Can you only imagine at the age of two watching your father have a gun at your mom's head? I can see it in my head every day that thought is with me all of the time. I hate him and what he has to offer which is nothing so it doesn't even matter. I don't want to talk to him anymore. Ever. Hopefully he will die soon so I really don't have to hear him and so I can go piss on his grave. Oh I was in a good mood but now I'm sad. God Damn him! I hate him. Shit I wish Dean was online right now so I can just get my mind off of this. Everytime he calls I get upset. I'm not going to answer the phone when its him. Caller Id! Haha bastard.--