Don't ask me why... I have many opinions about organized religion and such. I actually do believe there is a God. The chirstian god no. But there would have to be some ruler over this world. Someone controlling life and death as we know it. Not to be judged would cause chaos and no one would do good. Only evil and crimes would rule. Everyone would get spitted on at the site of any good gesture. People need something to believe in to live and something worth dying for. Sometimes love is all you need to believe in for happiness. But what if there wasn't anything else. What would you believe in. I look to Wicca for answers. A religion like any other.
"do what thou will if ye harm none" This is what I try to live by but don't. I haven't tried to be a good person in a while. Dissin others about how they speak to me in terms of a religion. We all do it some how. What would life be without anything to believe in? Chaos? Not anything organized or valuable thats what.--