Well this w/e I thought a lot. We have a research paper and I'm doing it on gay marriages. B/c why should people tell us not to love and not to show it? I don't think anyone can tell me who to love. I seen the movie "The Truth about Jane". It made such a big point that everyone needs to realize. Gay people can't just wake up and be something else. Like you can't wake up and be purple. Its not a choice you're born that way. And I seen "Naked Truth 3" on BET. I really enjoyed watching that too. I hope a lot of the people from my school watched it too. B/c they hate me. I'm getting tired of every day hearing "OMG she's a lesbian", "She just a lesbian ignore her", and "Get out of my way lesbo". I know I told everyone last yr b/c I was always drunk but now I'm not as open. I mean if someone ask me I tell them. I just want people to be open-minded. But I know that will never happen!!--
it pisses me off when people freak out about it!
nice distillers pic. i love those kids. they're awesome