Fight For.... Nothing?

There is a big list of people who went to see the fight this afternoon. Me, Markie, Steven, Lauren, Brandon, Micheal, some mexicans, a few black guys, and about 30 cars and/or trucks there just to see it. I don't know who it was fighting or why they were fighting. But hey I'm a rebel. lol. My first fight outside of school b/c those suck ass. So it was great. It was like I step out of myself and just went. I was like fuck everything else I'm going. I had to see it. And just seeing Brandon made me regret screwing up our relationship. He was one of the good ones I let go or more likely pushed away. That fuckin' sucks b/c I really do love him. It just feels like something is there, still. After all these years. I really want him back. But do I just want him b/c I'm lonely and have no one else...or do I......really love him? I guess I'll never know.--
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hey girl sorry that u feel like that...but i am really down i guess this is a good time to talk ya bye girl
hey. ima going ot get my Adult High School. Which is really what yall are doing now i just work at my own time and all. IT's a really great program and the teachers and student are really cool so far. Im happy but its stressfull tryin to get from Richmond to RCC with this stupid town we live in...i loves ya chick ttyl
I'm curious....what do you feel about me?