There is a big list of people who went to see the fight this afternoon. Me, Markie, Steven, Lauren, Brandon, Micheal, some mexicans, a few black guys, and about 30 cars and/or trucks there just to see it. I don't know who it was fighting or why they were fighting. But hey I'm a rebel. lol. My first fight outside of school b/c those suck ass. So it was great. It was like I step out of myself and just went. I was like fuck everything else I'm going. I had to see it.
And just seeing Brandon made me regret screwing up our relationship. He was one of the good ones I let go or more likely pushed away. That fuckin' sucks b/c I really do love him. It just feels like something is there, still. After all these years. I really want him back. But do I just want him b/c I'm lonely and have no one else...or do I......really love him? I guess I'll never know.--
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