Baby names:
James Dylan
James after my grandpa that died Dec. 8th 1993
Dylan is the God of the Sea in Celtic
Phoebe Ariadne
Phoebe is the goddess of the moon in Greek
Ariadne is the goddes of the labyrinth in Greek
Brigid Ann
Brigid is the goddess of healing, fertility, poetry, and the forge in Celtic
Ann is Sharon's and Mom's middle name

I don't know why I decided to think of baby names and I'm not even pregnant and don't plan on being pregnant either. I just wanted to do it today. B/c I've been thinking of it for a while. I wanted to name a girl after my grandma but I can't think of a middle name to go with Virginia and thats too widely used. I want it to be different. Using goddess and god names from my witchcraft book is different. Its been really boring today. Nothing really to do. I want to talk to Dean. He hasn't called yet mainly b/c I'm on the internet. I do love him so much. I feel kinda bad b/c Beth can't have children. I was always scared I couldn't either. I don't want to hurt her like that by having a baby now. I'm not even ready for that shit. One word