We had the gayass speaker again in mr.mac's class. He doesn't listen very well at all. I love when I said "I'm right and everyone else is wrong". He was trying to say sometimes people feel like that. "But I seriously am right all the time". But of course he didn't get Terance's comment about I know what is good in both g/fs and b/fs. lol. Maybe another day!

"People are stupid". They assume and follow like cattle. They are trained to attack those who don't believe in organized religion and scare tatics. We as people who don't believe are doomed. But in reality that are doomed to "hell". Which isn't real. People sound more studpid when we as non-believers know more than they ever will. We educate ourselves to fight the battle. At war with stupid americans that don't ask questions or turn around to see whats behind them. They look ahead into the future hoping for a better tomorrow where they can convert atheist to believe in some sort of God that never was and never will be anything. If we don't believe and there is really a hell save me a spot b/c I want front row seats to see it. Catch me on fire first let me burn before anyone gets there. Let me be the first one in hell. Yea, "God" take me now bitch b/c I want to prove everyone wrong. Yesterday's disease is today's rewarded gesture. "Please everyone just start believeing in something you've never even had a interest in. Come on God is everything please believe in him." What are they trying to sell? 'You can't smell your own shit on your knees'. Sometimes I wish people would ignore what they don't understand b/c they don't even try to understand anything. They are stuck in not thinking and just acting on impulse. We are all doomed to hell if this is suppose to be Americans running this country.--