Spending my time reading my book. Naked in Death. Its great. I'll write a review after I finish. Dean had a doc appointment but he wrote me a poem last night. Which was great. I don't trust anyone in here so I keep looking back at my stuff. I miss Dean. poor me. Anyway, I wrote three poems last night. I'll post later maybe in 2nd block. Until then.--
Water runs right off of my body,
Naked and so alone,
Sticking to my sores like glue,
Is the familiar scent,
Lusting thoughts on my mind,
Washing away every intent,
Flames are burnt out,
B/c they are to old to burn,
Freeing arm surround me,
In my entirety of being,
Drink of me and leave nothing,
But the blood stained freedom,
In the happiness of the corner,
Dark and unusual sightings,
Of the past that drove you crazy,
Killing the ears of the innocence,
Death blows down upon you,
Like the wind, not seen,
Sometimes only heard,
But only on deafness,
As to what you see is unknown,
Curosity and your victims,
The power you invest on us,
Doesn't seem to matter,
Now that you're alone in the dark.
Sweat drips off my cold body,
The dead eyes stare away,
Into the darkness,
Where I find you,
In the confusion I stray,
Blinding impairment of light,
Memories that aren't there,
Past I can't find,
All just lost as I once was,
Cloud linings and birds whisper,
Nightness falls and I am there,
Again I stare into your eyes,
Just in the darkness repealing voices,
Sweet nothings in my ear,
Of the lost and the empty affairs.
The king comes to me,
With pleads of insanity,
Of things I should've done,
Being here to kill you,
Slay your body,
And take your soul,
Feeling the departments,
Of your heart to will,
Blood all over me,
The knights dream,
Sad songs and nights,
I couldn't be here,
Beside you I wept,
For things I did,
And for the lost memories,
You stole from me,
The past you blew,
Away in the wind,
Lost in the woods.