"Goodbye to the girl"
She whispers in the darkness,
Her blood red smile doesn't show,
Her heart still pumps but she's dead,
You touched her and she froze,
Just like she did before,
The nightmares keep her up at night,
Of the night you took her,
The light burns her pale skin,
She'll never be the same again,
She's broken apart,
Never to be fix,
All of her skin is cut to pieces,
Blood covers the floor,
She whispers in the darkness,
My first block teacher now wants to arrange for me to see a professional. The wrong person cares. I hate it. I don't want him to care. He's my teacher. I want everyone to see pass the lies and help me. Not to know the facts and butt into my life. This is not the way its supposed to be. Please help me I'm so broken.--

do you feel better after cutting ?
im sorry to keep plaguing you wiv questions i just wanna try to understand a little bit