Yesterday Night

April 22, 2004 10:36 pm Everyone has told me to smile. Ignore the fact that I'm depressed; just smile. What is smiling and pretending I'm ok going to prove. That were back to being young children and I can still pretend like I used to. I had to pretend I was the only child. There was nothing else to do. I'd pretend I had friends until I was in 5th grade. I pretended to be ok when I was falling apart the time I lost my childhood. I've pretended all of my life why would it be so hard to pretend I'm happy. I don't know. I never wanted to pretend so badly as I do now. I just want to pretend everything is ok and that I'll be just fine. Everyone else seems to also so why don't I? Pretending was never this hard. I remember a time where all I did was pretend. I pretended once last year I was fine when I was drinking all of the time and snorting pills. It hasn't been long since I stopped the pills but its been a year for the drinking like I did before. I drank every damn day. I don't want to go back to that ever. Can't I just pretend to be happy like everything is ok?--
Read 3 comments
I'll go ahead and tell you what nobody else wants you to hear. Yes, the world does suck ass and there is nothing you can do about it. Don't pretend you're someone you're not. Go with your heart and piss the world of cuz we're all dragqueen supermodels iin disguise anyway. Who gives a fuck and who wants to fuck....THATS ALL THAT MATTERS ANYMORE!
yea i dont see a point in smileing right now in my life either
People want you to smile, so they can pretend tha teverything is okay, they don't want to deal with it, they don't know how. I guess they think that if you smile long enough, lie to yourself long enough, eventually you'll really believe that you' re happy....
