Pirates, Auctions, and kisses?

Feeling: resentful
Shopping at the crack of dawn wasn't *too* bad. Mum and I only went to one store and there wasn't much, but the girl ringing us up gave us tons of discounts so that was cool. The majority of the day was spent putting of Christmas stuff. Major chore in this house and never, I'm sorry to say, a fun venture. Always lots of aggrivation and cursing. Dad was peeved because he was on light duty and mom was getting angry because she couldn't find her greenery because we bought a fake tree a year or so ago with lights pre-strung and now half of them don't work. So, it really wasn't a fun day. Had the band party at 6:30. At first, I didn't want to go, but I ended up having a good time. Basically crashed on the couch with half the group and watched Bruce Almighty and Pirates ^.^ He made a sport of tyring to turn on Travis and then Adam and I ended up cuddling the rest of the night. The auction went alright. Adam bought me so we got another party together. At the end of the party some of us went to find Amy, Matt and Jon and found them at the hot tub. We have a thing with hot tubs, I swear. Anyhow, there was some nakedness and cars and laughs and then Adam and I were the last ones in the street. I wasn't going to be as forward as I was last time so I didn't go to kiss him, but there was sort of the awkard "do we kiss or what?" type moment. Anyways, we just hugged (twice) and called it a night. He has another audition for something else tomorrow so I wish him the best of luck. My parents were at my sister's Christmas party for work tonight. I was supposed to go (though the last party of hers I went to with office people and such I got hit-on because people thought I was older so I think I'll refraim) but band party more fun. Apparantly mom and dad had an awful time, but I think that's dad's fault. I asked, but all I got was a back to my face so I let it go. Parents are so fickle. I swear a month ago everything was...well, no, it wasn't fine. It's never been fine, but it's been submerged. Now the ugliness has surfaced and my bedroom is my sanctuary. I don't know if their influence makes me want to get closer to someone else or pull further and further away. Past experience will prove that it makes me pull away. Maybe that will change. Then again, do I want it to? Carrie
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*Chuckles* sounds like an amusing day, to a certain degree. Its often that seeing your parents fight, it makes you afraid of being in the same shoes. *shrugs* dont push away, but dont pull in, let things run their course, lifes gonna do, what lifes gonna do. *smiles* but dont get *too* much of the nakedness in the hot tubs that could turn out bad...*chuckles* Night carrie, sleep well. (things will showthemselves eventually)
Hey. How much were you worht at this Auction? lol.

My muse, you ask, is not one person for that entry. It is a few people rolled into one.

-Jack B Nimble