We Miss the Writer

"Why haven't you been writing?" He asked. So I gave some lame (however honest) excuse about how I never have time, how I'm always spending time with Kris or the family, going out with freinds--you know, life. Finding the time to write before I had a real social life was easy. Every Friday night I would be here, at my screen, for hours and hours. "She's a writer." "I write." Really? Not even hours in the day, I tell you. I'd give up sleeping if I could. I found a band that I really, really like--30 seconds to mars. It's very...well, I don't know what it is to anyone else, but to me it's inspiring. Every time I listen to them I start thinking about that damned futuristic novel again. I abandoned them--Cameo and Larivant; I left them. I need a break. From what, I'm not really sure. Maybe I don't miss writing as much as I think I do. Or maybe it's just been so damned long, I can't really remember the passion that once flared inside of me. Thread was the last thing I've written and I tore through that in a summer. The process was so brief and so thrilling, I hardly remember it. In fact...I don't remember it. I remember Jack and Della Rose...and the rest could have been left by a spirit while I was sleeping. I need a break from all this, just for a little while. I need to crawl into my cave and just punch out a few chapters. I need a good fifty pages. I need a reminder. I need to be focused, challenged, I need to be the Writer. Carrie
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I miss the Writer as well. The one who would give me feedback on my dates with Muse and I would do the same in return. Maybe there will be a slow weekend in the future where you can stay in and play with Poetry, swin with Slant Rhyme and mill around with Metaphor, just you and the gang. Also, i'd like to hear what you think on my most recent attempt at an entry. Thank you kindly.

The curse of being a writer is everywhere you look you find the window to another story, a gateway to another world,life can only interupt so much-DJ
No six string, I fear, but you're on the right path when you say I wrote lyrics. I was indeed singing them aloud as I wrote them to a tune that i'm not sure fits but worked at the time. Sometimes i think I could just write songs for a living and enjoy it. I'm glad you're here for me Carrie Caulfield, it makes it so much easier to write what I feel when I know there's somebody willing to take a minute and listen.