Home on the 101

Listening to: Jack Johnson- Belle
It was another satisfying weekend. Kris ended up coming down, once again. I was thrilled, as you cn imagine. Tanisha went home so, for two days, Kris and I lived together in this little New York apartment. On Saturday we drove out to watch Saguaro's drumline perform at PAS. After that, I swore to Kris, I was done attending Saguaro events until homecoming. I've untinentally become one of those annoying graduates who keeps showing up at all the events and no one understands why. I guess it's a little different since I'm with Kris and Mr. M, but seriously now, I'm done. Sunday was the usual routine: church, lunch, and then the divide. I went home with my mom so Kris could go to his real home, do laundry and talk to his dad. At my house, mom and dad had to go to Home Depot for a meeting of some sort, so I had the house to my self for hours. Typically I would have loved it, but I found myself to be quite bored and feeling lonely; a very new experience for me. Anyway, later that evening, Kris came and picked me up and we went to his uncle and aunt's house for Big Kroy's birthday BBQ. Very yummy. The evening went quick and before I knew it, I was back at my dorm saying goodbye to my boy again. As for today, well it's been "swell". Got myself out of bed and to the gym this morning. I got online to order football tickets for parents weekend this Saturday and, funny story... I had tried to do this on Friday, but the site must have been down or something because it wasn't working. So I bookmarked it. Today, I clicked on the bookmarked link and proceeded to buy the tickets; all five. Print out my confirmation receipt and as I'm reviewing it, I see a date that reads October 3rd. I see that and freak out,"I've bought tickets to the wrong game!" And on the same paper, in polite words, it reads "All sales are final upon completetion of transaction. No refunds/exchanges." So now I'm fuming because I've just spent a lot of money on tickets I can't use or return (I'm thinking). So I get back on the site to get the right tickets--I'll deal with the wrong ones later, I thought. I'm looking for seats near the band, nothing. Near the student section, nothing. All the seats it gives me are crappy. Now I'm really ticked off. I'm just about to go ahead and order crappy tickets anyway, when I look over my confirmation sheet again. And then the light bulb goes on. The date was the date of purchase. Turns out I had ordered the right tickets after all, and apparantly managed to get the last available seats in the section next to the band. So I begin breathing again. Very angry, but also incredibly relieved. Moving on with my day...went to history, yada yada...The Blaze at 4:30. Met up with Jake again. He had to train another guy so I sat and got a refresher course. I thought the kid was highly amusing though. He brought a notebook with him--Okay, smart I guess, take notes so you remember what to do--but he wrote down the most ridiculous information and didn't seem to know anything at all about computers. In my head I kept thinking "good luck here, kid." Kid went away and Jake and I got to business. We had started a promo last week for Press Pass and began plugging away at it again. Takes a long time, these promos. Mainly because of little things like a sound effect or voice recording sometimes takes a long time. I got to contribute to funniness. Our promo is set to 1940's swing, so I get to say "Gee billy, that sounds swell!" all dorky at the end of the promo. Jake found it hilarious. It's really nice working with him, rather than just being given a "good luck, have at it" like Channel 2 did. I don't even know if I am going to end up doing anything at the TV station. They're just not welcomed to newcomers, particuarly freshmen. And Jake really likes my helping out. Today he had me work on the computer so I can start getting comfortable with ProTools--it's a really easy program, but it's nice to have someone there in case you get stumped or something. So anyway, it looks like we're going to be promo buddies for at least the semester. I think I may even get a story together so I can put together a package for the radio show. We shall see!! Flashback... Driving back to Tempe, Kris and I made an interesting observation, something I've noticed for a while but never really spoke up about. As much as we complain and gripe about it, to how many of us does that horrible Loop 101 mean home? If I go anywhere in Arizona, ten to ten-hundred miles from home, I always know where I am or that I'm nearly back when I reach the 101. It's the comfort freeway, no matter how frightening it seems sometimes. It's a nice drive at two am when no one's there. And from hours on the road, it's a large welcome walgon letting you know you're almost home. I don't live off the 101 any more. Not at the moment, anyway. Nope. I live off the 202. Not a big change, really, but it's still a little note to me that I've moved off my home roads. There aren't many miles keeping me from the 101, but I am away from it none the less. Carrie
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I was thinking about that the other day when I was driving and realised I was above the sea level of my house. I'd say 99% of my drive's involve the 101 so I pondered on how weird it was to almost always be flying above my house in a car. Strange, I know, but funny. And you're right. No matter how far away I drive, when I see McDonald - 1 1/4m I just feel better.
