Listening to: SM soundtrack
Feeling: sinful
9-11. I recognize it, but am not stricken by it.
Yesterday was the second football game and the first time I got to conduct on the BIG podium at a game as we marched the debut of Diego's Goodbye (or was that Diego's Goody?). It was really exciting and yeah, I was nervous, but it went well. I'll do better next time. I completely lost my voice too so it was quite interesting trying to shout commands. Thanks Justin for being my translator! I do believe that was the most fun I've ever had at a football game. I don't know why, really--I mean, I got to be with the drummers most of the game and conducting was a blast and the show was exciting, and I gossiped with Mrs. Guinta and my mom for a was just an awesome time. I hope there are more games like that in the future.
I got sick and it sucks. Really bad time to be sick.
Leaving today to go to Flagstaff for the Jason Mraz concert. Kris can go! ^.^ My dream was right! Oooo, speaking of dreams. I had a horrible one last night. I actually dreampt that Kris cheated on me in the worst way possible. It was awful. But I know he wouldn't so I need to get that out of my mind.
Hrmm...well, that's everything, in short. I'll be back tomorrow...
PS- The girl who was cast as Betty in the Crucible had to quit, so guess who Mr. T asked to replace her? Moi! I'm totally stoked- Betty was my second choice under Abigail, so yeah, I'm excited for the show now. : )
Carrie *sneezes*
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