Toto, we're still in Kansas

Hello from BFE, Colby Kansas! Pops and I are actually enjoying ourselves a lot here. Yesterday we went cruising on the quads- scared the animals and did some devil turns in a field of steaming divets (better if you don't fall off, you know what i mean?) Today we had fun in a an old car lot. The sign said "This is not a junkyard. It is an automotive recyclying yard" AKA: There were hundreds and hundreds of old cars just sitting there, some with the possiblility of being restored, others just rotting into the earth. We took a ton of pictures though, it was cool. Some of the stuff out there was pretty incredible. Tomorrow I think we're going shooting; tin cans and such. My uncle Lynn's got some rifles, a beebee fun and something else, not sure. So that's that. Things in Kansas are so different from AZ. Everything is so old and half the buildings here are abandoned, filled with ancient things. Pretty cool. Good place to go exploring, Colby. Also good for story ideas. Got some things cookin'. Actually, what I've really been thinking about is Gilead (*nudges Dev in the gut*). Anxious to read more of that. Let's see, what else...just finished an awesome dinner of spaghett's and meata balls; Gram's specialty. Kansas has this really weird affect on you- makes you hungry and tired all the time. The cool weather is nice though. I hear it's 90 back home??? *hugs Steve* Wish you were here, buddy. You'd get a kick out of some of the jokes we pull here. Colby is a real easy place to poke fun of. Yesterday I went for a ride by myself around the town and let me tell you, there isn't much. I was amazed to find people my own age. There are good looking guys in Kansas! They're probobly nice, too, unlike the assholes back home. Oh well. You do what you can with what you have where you are. Roosevelt said that. One of my favorite quotes. We're for sure going home Thursday, which means I won't be able to talk or see anyone till Friday and i have to babysit that night. : ( So much for spring break. I s'pose it's alright though. What would I be doing back home? Not quading or looking at cars or shooting guns, that's for sure. This vacation is like a hick vacation, now that I think about it. lol Well, I miss you all tons! Can't wait to talk to someone my own age again! I love to travel, but I sure do miss the comforts of home. (I'm sleeping on a bed with gram and the matress is no softer than the floor-- in case you didn't know, my bed is like the Princess and the Pea. I took mom and dad's old feather bed, folded it in half and put it on my bed, PLUS my own feather bed, so when you sit down, you sink in it. It's awesome). Post a message and say hi to me! They got tecky in kansas so I actually have internet connection (obviously) so I can sorta make contact to y'all! *hugs* Carrie
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Ahh, the wizard of Oz reference...

Yah, its friekin hot here. 90 yesterday, but today isnt as bad. I went to the Zoo with K, and it was bearable. Get it.....BEAR. Lol. Very hick like vacay, but it sounds quaint. I miss you, so hurry up and get back darnit. And rememeber some good jokes for me to recycle....

*hugz back x 10*
you get to shoot things? I'm soooo jealous. I feel like shooting something now. Grrr on the college application process.