Listening to: Zug Izland
Feeling: depressed
x ] first name: Amy
[ x ] nickname(s): Marie.......JAM....Angel
[ x ] gender: female
[ x ] age: 14
[ x ] birthday: October 20th 1989
[ x ] height: 5'6
[ x ] hair color: Dishwater blond
[ x ] eye color: Forest Greem
[ x ] is your hair long or short: longish sorta
[ x ] where were you born: Chicago IL
[ x ] current location: Northern IL
[ x ] zodiac sign: Libra
[ x ] how many languages do you know: 3
[ x ] nationality: French Canadian, Polish, Czech Slovakian, Irish,
[ x ] bad habits: I scratch myself when nervous......and a whole lotta more
[ x ] piercings you want: Tounge
[ x ] tattoos you want: Peace sign....Wolf....Eagles skull
: favorites :
[ x ] number: 20
[ x ] clothing brands: Route 66.....Hot topic...Torrid....Anything and everything not picky
[ x ] shoes: Platforms and boots
[ x ] tv show: Reno 911.....Southpark...Simpsons.....Family Guy......Futurama
[ x ] sport: None
[ x ] vegetable: Carrots
[ x ] fruit: Kiwi......Cherries
[ x ] movie: Final Desination, Little Nicky.....Thirteen
[ x ] male celebrity: Sean William Scott....Josh Hartnett Johnny Depp
[ x ] candy: Laffy Taffys
[ x ] candy bar: almond Joy
[ x ] ice cream flavor: Cookie dough
[ x ] color: Blue N purple
[ x ] season: fall
[ x ] type of music: Rock......Anything and everything
[ x ] thing in your room: My bed and comp
[ x ] place to be: Bedroom
[ x ] weird habbit: layin with my guinea pig before bed
[ x ] swear word: Cock!
[ x ] month: october
[ x ] scary movie: Exorcist
[ x ] team: Cubs!
: would you ever:
[ x ] bungee jump: hell yes
[ x ] sky dive: oh yes
[ x ] swim with dolphins: sure
[ x ] scuba dive: sure
[ x ] go rock climbing: done it
[ x ] eat shit for $1,000,000: depends what kinda shit
[ x ] turn your back on your friends for personal gain: Nope suppose to stand by your friends alwyz
[ x ] steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: Hell Naw
[ x ] cross-dress: sure no prob
[ x ] lie to the police: Me? Nah *Crosses fingers*
[ x ] run from the police: done it
[ x ] lie to your parents: yup
[ x ] walk up to a stranger and kiss them: depends if they're hot
[ x ] be an exotic dancer: could try
[ x ] walk out of a restaurant without paying: yeah
:have you ever:
[ x ] flashed someone: all the time
[ x ] told the person you liked how you felt: yup
[ x ] been to Michigan: yup all the time
[ x ] gotten really REALLY wasted: yeah 2wks ago
[ x ] gone to jail or juvi: Nope
[ x ] skateboarded: Nope
[ x ] skinny dipped: yesa
[ x ] broke someones bone: Nope
[ x ] kicked someone's ass: Yup......
[ x ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes with a rock inside
[ x ] kissed someone of the same sex: Yup Mander
[ x ] flipped someone off: Constantly
[ x ] been to a concert: Eagles concert in Oct.
[ x ] given money to a homeless person?: few times
[ x ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyway: 5 second rule!!!
: what did you do :
[ x ] last birthday: Went out for dinner
[ x ] yesterday: scanned pics
[ x ] last weekend: stayed at my great great aunts **gags**
[ x ] valentine's day: Stayed by myself
[ x ] thing you ate: Cake
[ x ] thing you drank: diet coke
[ x ] thing you wore: Jeans, Long flared sleeve shirt
[ x ] place you went: my room
[ x ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: ear
[ x ] person you saw: My dad
[ x ] person you kissed: Mander
[ x ] person you fucked: I cant remeber....LOL
[ x ] person you talked to: James
[ x ] song you heard: Prison song
: now :
[ x ] what are you eating: nuffin
[ x ] what are you drinking: diet coke
[ x ] what are you wearing: black T and jeans
[ x ] any shoes on: nope
[ x ] hair: down
[ x ] listening to: 9.11. movie
[ x ] talking to anyone: James
: yes or no :
[ x ] are you a vegetarian: nope
[ x ] do you like cows: sure
[ x ] are you a bitch: Yup and proud
[ x ] are you artistic: not realli
[ x ] do you write poetry: yes
[ x ] are you a fast runner: HA I failed the mile run...... 18.5
[ x ] can you ski: nope never tried
[ x ] are you british: nope
[ x ] do you want to spear britney: Fuck Yes
[ x ] do the voices talk to you: Yup My voice Kcoc
[ x ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: Yup quite a lot as a kid
[ x ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: nah not my taste
[ x ] do you own a hot pink shirt: sadly yes
: random questions :
[ x ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: wolf
[ x ] do you remember any of your dreams: All the time
[ x ] do you dream in color or black and white: mostly color
[ x ] can people read you like a book: Not realli....ppl dont try
[ x ] what's your biggest fear: Rejection
[ x ] do you talk a lot: I stay to myself
[ x ] are you spoiled: nope my sis is
[ x ] do you see dumb people: oh yes
[ x ] any last words: Fuck
[ x ] now that this is over, what are you going to do: Hide and cry
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