Well i'm sure I've mentioned Scott a lot, not that anyone cares but here's some info about him. He lives in Houston TX.
Here's two current pics (Couldn't figure out which one I liked better lol)

He's like 6'3, Blue eyes, He's like awesome. He's a major tecno-trance fan, Loves the Eagles (He got me addicted to them! Never heard of them till i met him)
Lets test my scott knowledge here. lol. (This is like what i kno about him, what i think ect, I had him fill out a survery) hehe
His nickname is Skitzy, Which i gave to him
Fav colors: Blue, Grey, White
Fav drink: Coffee of course
He has 1 dog, Edgar whose a Jack Russell Terrier that lives with his parents since his complex don't allow pets
(I found this interesting) His choice of daily clothes that he feels comfortable in, (When he's wearing clothes LOL I have seen his ass before!) Blue jeans, Dress shirt, Button down either white or blue, Black Loafers, White socks, and Get this Cotton Jockey's lol. He would kill me if he saw this hehe.
Fav Book genere: Mystery
Fav kind of movie: Anything Drama
Fav pasttimes: Chats, Computers, Software (surprise surprise)
He describes himself as: Introverted, analytical, Hedonistic, respectful, and Honest (Honest is an understatement, I introduced him to a friend of mine for the 1st time and he goes off talkin bout his porn addiction! lol)
How I would describe him: Caring, Friendly, Analytical (definitly) He's quite a talker, Helpful, sexy
a romantic at heart, mature, and a little strange, But I still love him!
Day or night: He chose night which means he's a creature of the night, feeding off the rays of the moon, a deep thinker, sneaky, things like that
If he could anything the world he would do: LSD, weird eh
(I really like thid ^_^) a 1st date experience with him would go like this: A film first, a late candlelight dinner at a restaurant, A cup of coffee after dinner, and talking till early morning (Kinda romantic ain't it)
Characteristics he looks for in a chick: ( I am so screwed here ha)
Minimalistic w/ make up, fragrances, Jewelry (<
Fav childhood game: Clueless
Here's a baby skitzy, Notice the big mouth LOL
Mental Disorders: Borderline Autistic, Schizophrenic, Obsessive compulsive disorder, He has panic attacks, But he's pretty normal and got a high IQ....Bastard :P
here's my conclusion i wrote about Scott: Notice his favorite colors aren't pastels or dark, which shows he's consevative, Laid back, free spirit. He's very down to earth in his attitude and dress. Basically ya regular american dude.
I met Scott by accident in Feb-March of 2002. I'm an ex-cutter as you kno, but back in 2002 I was going thru an extremely hard time, and cutting everyday. Well cutting is not something that is talked about. So like yeah i was in the 6th grade then and like I use to get up every mornin at like 3:30am to chat and do homework and stuff. I was actually a morning person back then! Well like after i had done my hw it was like 4:30am ( I totally remeber this day) And I was browsin msn health chats cuz I had a lot of Self injurer friends there that had chats. So I'm browsin the list and there was a chat called "Jscottrx's Self Injury chat" Well I had never seen it there before and curiousity got the best of me. So I logged on and saw him there, and struck up a conversation with him. Well he was open for like weeks so every mornin when I got up I would log on to bug him. he banned me from his chat by "accident", so I tracked down his website and left the bitchyest email ever. That started it. I actually have a copy of the reply he sent me. Here it is:
April 2nd 2002
-Angel this is skitzy
-i reacted to your "Why the kick" thinking that i had kicked/banned a reg
-i just realized i kicked/banned you by mistake
-i am so sorry about this
-i need to be more careful when kicking/banning which i hate doing but, but will kick disrupters out of the serious room, so as not to be interrupted
-oh yeah, just wanted to say one more thing on the subject of hackers and hacking.
-i am NOT after hackers, but hacking, or to at least have the ability to make a particular room secure so as not to be disrupted.
-I would pay MSN monthly for this!
-again i am sorry
-I am trying to get rid of the ban now on your crimemistress nick.
-if you know how, come in to the fun room and tell me how
-(L) Skitzy (K)
Thats the very 1st email he sent me. So like we're still talking now like everyday. It's fun. And I really love him. I hope to attend Lamar Univ. in Beaumont TX which is close to Houston just so I can terrorize him daily. lol so thats the info on my Scott dude.