Listening to: Sugarpie Honeybunch
Feeling: bouncy
Meh should be workin on my essay but I can't find shit on Lorenzo De Medici....I'm fucked.....
heh I'm in a bouncy happy mood today....I got to talk to Nick for awhile......i'm gonna kick his ass at a pillow fight! lol.....Gonna pounce on him....and pin him down.....*And we fade out here.......Leave the rest to your imagination*
heh..... I'm tired but meh gotta finish that essay. Watched South park and Drawn together....Such a disappointment... Both episodes sucked.
OMFG greatest thing happened today.... Sara ditched 6th and 7th hr yesterday and was walkin around on skool ground and her teacher saw her!!!! LOL she got 4 4hr saturday detentions and is grounded till January. What a dumbass.
Oh and then i almost got into a fight today. We had an assembly. and like Antonio, Josh and me went to sit in a row and the dude was like this is the negro row....and I'm like "The Negro row? alrite weird" So we sat in the next row and then this black chick turns around and was like you said negro row? I'm like I was just repeating what that dude said. She fuckin went off on me! I'm like shut the fuck up ya dumb nigger......HAHAHAHA yeah i'm not racist but my dad is and like I don't like the real ghetto blacks who fuck shit up cuz their the reason we cant have a rebel flag at the skool when we're the fucking rebels. But yeah she had the balls to call me a Racist white bitch when I'm sitting next to Antonio whose black and one of my best buds. he called her a fuckin nigger too....LMAO....heh i luv him he's great....
Then like on YIM this creepy fucker kept IMming me and my cam status was "Nick's girl.....Onli His....Not yours....You ain't got a chance" so this dude IMs me and he's like...I Love you....I'll make you happier then Nick.... hehe here's the convo.... hehe I said I wouldn't show cuz my bf asked me not too....I just didn't want to....lol
theman200438 (7:50:23 PM): hi
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:50:35 PM): allo
theman200438 (7:50:40 PM): how r u
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:50:59 PM): ok, u?
theman200438 (7:51:06 PM): im good
theman200438 (7:51:24 PM): so i dont have a chance
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:52:00 PM): heh no one does..... i'm gonna marry nick
theman200438 (7:52:10 PM): thas cool
theman200438 (7:52:21 PM): lol
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:52:25 PM): lol
theman200438 (7:52:32 PM): oh well
theman200438 (7:52:46 PM): i still love u
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:52:53 PM): dats sweet
theman200438 (7:53:30 PM): i hope u dont mind that i do
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:53:45 PM): not at all
theman200438 (7:53:49 PM): cool
theman200438 (7:55:33 PM): what r u doing
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:55:48 PM): nuffin
theman200438 (7:55:59 PM): oh ok
theman200438 (7:56:49 PM): u dont get on cam any more
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:57:09 PM): i'm on rite now -_-
theman200438 (7:57:15 PM): oh ok
theman200438 (7:57:52 PM): i like looking at ur pretty face
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:58:13 PM): heh
theman200438 (7:58:34 PM): how many people r viewing u
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:58:42 PM): 5
theman200438 (7:58:46 PM): cool
theman200438 (7:59:12 PM): is there any way i can see ur kitty
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:59:21 PM): nope
theman200438 (7:59:27 PM): why not
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (7:59:43 PM): dont show nemore
theman200438 (8:00:10 PM): please do it for me and i wont ask any more
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:00:29 PM): heh sorry no can do
theman200438 (8:00:37 PM): ok
theman200438 (8:00:57 PM): why dont u show it any more
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:01:13 PM): my bf asked me not to
theman200438 (8:01:19 PM): oh ok
theman200438 (8:01:33 PM): he wont no if u do
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:01:51 PM): but i'll kno
theman200438 (8:01:57 PM): i no
theman200438 (8:02:45 PM): i really wish u would
theman200438 (8:02:47 PM): lol
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:02:53 PM): heh
theman200438 (8:03:46 PM): u wony even do it for me
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:04:09 PM): wont do it for ne1
theman200438 (8:04:23 PM): ok ill stop asking then
theman200438 (8:05:13 PM): god u look so sexy laying there
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:05:25 PM): heh
theman200438 (8:06:25 PM): can i see ur tits again
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:06:58 PM): dont show -_-
theman200438 (8:07:05 PM): really
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:07:21 PM): yeah
theman200438 (8:07:46 PM): its just that im really horny for u
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:08:07 PM): heh
theman200438 (8:09:02 PM): i want u so bad
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:09:32 PM): heh koolness
theman200438 (8:10:43 PM): but i no i cant have u
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:11:40 PM): isnt it alwyz that way heh
theman200438 (8:11:46 PM): yes
theman200438 (8:15:04 PM): i qwould make u really happy
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:15:29 PM): heh i'm already happy
theman200438 (8:17:58 PM): i would make u happter
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:18:19 PM): lol no competing
theman200438 (8:18:28 PM): ok
xxcuffsxnxpainxgirlyxx (8:38:11 PM): -_-
Oddness eh? Anyways Better work on my project so i can get to bed at a decent time.....
*Day dreaming of Nicky*

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