
Listening to: Zug Izland: Suicide
Feeling: depressed
I'm so lost. I've just been sleeping all night. Haven't ate anything. I almost passed out cuz I have where my sugar gets low really easily so i hate half a burger and gave the rest to the dog. Haven't drank anything. I dunno. I don't wanna eat. Don't wanna do anything. Snickers has been layin with me the entire night and I'm greatful for that. I'm still hanging on to the hope that Scott will come around. I dunno if he will but I gotta have something to hope for. I dunno...tho...this is just to much. Never had this before. I'm tryin to keep myself from adding any cuts to my collection i keep scratching my wrists. I'm lost....I'm scared. I feel like I've just been pushed out of a plane without a parachute and am just watching the ground get closer and closer before I hit. Man my eyes are still puffy from crying. I don't think I could even cry anymore. Hours and Hours of wanting...Wishing to die. I'm still here. Gawd this is like beating an addiction. I want this to be a fucking dream but more and more it's starting to become reality. I hate reality. Life fucking sux...
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