Enough Already!

Back off! Don't you get it by now? I NEED SPACE! Hounding me will only make me more bitter and more resentful. *sigh* Sometimes I just want to slap you and start screaming and yelling at you. Are you that blind? Do you enjoy this? I don't love you the way you want. I can't. So please don't try to get close to me, it only makes me very uncomfortable. I know, its what you do, you're a very physical person, but I don't like it. It just gets more and more awkward. I try to drop subtle hints, move away when you get too close, but you just don't seem to understand. You just keep getting closer. It makes it worse. It grates on my nerves. It makes me violent. I'm sorry... Its the little things that aggrivate me, the little things that boil inside me. I don't want to be this close to you. It makes me lash out. I want my distance. I need my solitude. I don't want another lover, I don't want a kindred soul, I don't want someone to share my deeper self with. Forgive me for it but I only want my friend.
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Damn it... thats all I want you to be too. Are YOU that blind?? Yes I may love you... but you killed any part of me that had been IN love with you. I had thought you were my best friend. I just wanted to be close to you as a friend, not a lover... share THAT kind of mental bond. Forgive me if I expect to be close to my friends. I had thought I could share anything with you. If you perfer I'll go elsewhere for that kind of friendship.