An Offer He.... Can't Refuse?

.....Hm. Again with the pondering. *sigh* So, Goat appearantly got offered a job today while he was at work. Someone calling about their credit card got to chit-chatting with him and after a bit, the guy asked Goat to send him a resume. It a job running a hotel/bar/nightclub..In Texas. Merkel, TX. Look it up. No, I'll do it for you. Go to their website! It has a population of approximately 2,500 people. A whole TWO banks, FOUR restaraunts, and.... *drumroll*.... NINE churches. ....*sigh* I'm not too sure about it... we need a change... but... I dunno. It could be great. Could suck ass. More tan likely... suck ass. *lol* I dunno, maybe I'm being a downer cuz TX scares me with its southern-christian-ness.... and I hate little towns when I'm pretty positive I won't make any real friends or fit in. I could be wrong.... Art first it sounded like a nreat opportunity, with the night club and all... but then I looked up the town... and guh. Its probaly a motel with an attched bar where people can line dance and listen to country music. I'm not being mean, its just probably what it is. Not really the best/most welcoming place for a 19 year old, semi-gothy, "alternative lifestyle" living, non-christian, nut case mommy like me. *sigh again* I just want Goat to be happy.... he needs a job where he can still have a life and spend time with his daughter....
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I know some peeps, quite a few actually that live in TX, I could ask em about it, like what the towns like and all if you want.
I did live in texas for awhile. Not a bad place really.. but seeing as its so big, I was really never around that area, so I can't really tell you what its like. Its not as uber christian as the rest of the south, but still pretty bad as compared to here. *hugs* I'm sure it will all work out in the end, you know I'm always here for you.
uh...unless you've lived in a small town and know what to expect...and are happy with the idea...I'd say nuh-uh. When I lived at the Lake of the Ozarks, the town I actually lived in was one of those back-woods, everyone is related to each other kind of towns. And it sucked ass! BUT everyone has their own you never know. But good luck with whatever decision you guys make!